ThreeTen / threeten

This project was the home of code used to develop a modern date and time library for JDK8. Development has moved to OpenJDK and a separate backport project, threetenbp.
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Possible issue in documentation for ChronoFields.INSTANT_SECONDS #323

Closed dsmania closed 11 years ago

dsmania commented 11 years ago

In the documentation for ChronoFields.INSTANT_SECONDS you can read: " This field may be used with NANO_OF_DAY to represent the fraction of the day." It seems intuitive to me that it should refer to NANO_OF_SECOND as a fraction of the second. From my understanding it should be this way, but even if I'm wrong I believe many developers might fall in the same and might require a little explanation here.

jodastephen commented 11 years ago

Bug, thanks for finding it.

jodastephen commented 11 years ago
# HG changeset patch
# User scolebourne
# Date 1372350309 -3600
# Node ID 7cf25c73ad120cf84e5a00bc81ffb18515cb21fc
# Parent  58935f771ca84303bd726eb468af57d11444a5d5
Fix ChronoField.INSTANT_SECONDS Javadoc
Fixes #323

diff --git a/src/share/classes/java/time/temporal/ b/src/share/classes/java/time/temporal/
--- a/src/share/classes/java/time/temporal/
+++ b/src/share/classes/java/time/temporal/
@@ -565,12 +565,11 @@
      * <p>
      * This represents the concept of the sequential count of seconds where
      * 1970-01-01T00:00Z (ISO) is zero.
-     * This field may be used with {@link #NANO_OF_DAY} to represent the fraction of the day.
+     * This field may be used with {@link #NANO_OF_SECOND} to represent the fraction of the second.
      * <p>
      * An {@link Instant} represents an instantaneous point on the time-line.
-     * On their own they have no elements which allow a local date-time to be obtained.
-     * Only when paired with an offset or time-zone can the local date or time be found.
-     * This field allows the seconds part of the instant to be queried.
+     * On their own, an instant has insufficient information to allow a local date-time to be obtained.
+     * Only when paired with an offset or time-zone can the local date or time be calculated.
      * <p>
      * This field is strictly defined to have the same meaning in all calendar systems.
      * This is necessary to ensure interoperation between calendars.
RogerRiggs commented 11 years ago

looks fine.

jodastephen commented 11 years ago

Fixed by