ThreeTen / threeten

This project was the home of code used to develop a modern date and time library for JDK8. Development has moved to OpenJDK and a separate backport project, threetenbp.
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DayOfWeek.format(...) and DayOfWeek.parse(...) #354

Closed ge0ffrey closed 7 years ago

ge0ffrey commented 7 years ago

To persist employee rostering patterns and antipatterns, such as persisting that any nurse working Saturday, Sunday and Monday in a row is a bad thing, it would be useful to read and write DayOfWeek instances, to format and parse them.

Is this the right issue tracker to ask for JSR-310 improvements for JDK 9?

RogerRiggs commented 7 years ago

DayOfWeek is an enum and has stable printable names and ordinals. Most of the java.time types have parse and format methods and for consistency they might be useful on DayOfWeek.

An enhancement in the JDK can be requested via:

jodastephen commented 7 years ago

Its a possible enhancement to the JDK, but should be requested there.

Closing this issue here.