ThrottlingTroll / ThrottlingTroll

Rate limiting/throttling/circuit-breaking middleware for ASP.NET Core and Azure Functions
MIT License
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Issue with redis counter store #21

Closed almightydegu closed 6 months ago

almightydegu commented 6 months ago


I'm trying to use redis as a counter store but im getting this error: No service for type 'StackExchange.Redis.IConnectionMultiplexer' has been registered. Im also getting this error on the same project ThrottlingTrollSampleWeb. The only things I have updated is changing the redisConnString to be localhost:6379 and uncommented line 82. Below is what in the Program.cs please let me know if I have missed a step:

using Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers;
using StackExchange.Redis;
using System.Text.Json;
using ThrottlingTroll;
using ThrottlingTroll.CounterStores.Redis;

namespace ThrottlingTrollSampleWeb
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

            // Add services to the container.

            // Learn more about configuring Swagger/OpenAPI at
            builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
                options.IncludeXmlComments(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "ThrottlingTrollSampleWeb.xml"));

            // If RedisConnectionString is specified, then using RedisCounterStore.
            // Otherwise the default MemoryCacheCounterStore will be used.
            var redisConnString = "localhost:6379";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redisConnString))
                    new RedisCounterStore(ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(redisConnString))

            // <ThrottlingTroll Egress Configuration>

            // Configuring a named HttpClient for egress throttling. Rules and limits taken from appsettings.json

            // Configuring a named HttpClient that does automatic retries with respect to Retry-After response header
            builder.Services.AddHttpClient("my-retrying-httpclient").AddThrottlingTrollMessageHandler(options =>
                options.ResponseFabric = async (checkResults, requestProxy, responseProxy, cancelToken) =>
                    var egressResponse = (IEgressHttpResponseProxy)responseProxy;

                    egressResponse.ShouldRetry = true;

            // </ThrottlingTroll Egress Configuration>

            var app = builder.Build();

            // Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
            if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())




            // <ThrottlingTroll Ingress Configuration>

            // Normally you'll configure ThrottlingTroll just once, but it's OK to have multiple 
            // middleware instances, with different settings. We're doing it here for demo purposes only.

            // Simplest form. Loads config from appsettings.json and uses MemoryCacheCounterStore by default.

            // Static programmatic configuration
            app.UseThrottlingTroll(options =>
                // Here is how to enable storing rate counters in Redis. You'll also need to add a singleton IConnectionMultiplexer instance beforehand.
                options.CounterStore = new RedisCounterStore(app.Services.GetRequiredService<IConnectionMultiplexer>());

                options.Config = new ThrottlingTrollConfig
                    Rules = new[]
                        new ThrottlingTrollRule
                            UriPattern = "/fixed-window-1-request-per-2-seconds-configured-programmatically",
                            LimitMethod = new FixedWindowRateLimitMethod
                                PermitLimit = 1,
                                IntervalInSeconds = 2

                    // Specifying UniqueName is needed when multiple services store their
                    // rate limit counters in the same cache instance, to prevent those services
                    // from corrupting each other's counters. Otherwise you can skip it.
                    UniqueName = "MyThrottledService1"

            // Dynamic programmatic configuration. Allows to adjust rules and limits without restarting the service.
            app.UseThrottlingTroll(options =>
                options.GetConfigFunc = async () =>
                    // Loading settings from a custom file. You can instead load them from a database
                    // or from anywhere else.

                    string ruleFileName = Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "my-dynamic-throttling-rule.json");

                    string ruleJson = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(ruleFileName);

                    var rule = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ThrottlingTrollRule>(ruleJson);

                    return new ThrottlingTrollConfig
                        Rules = new[] { rule }

                // The above function will be periodically called every 5 seconds
                options.IntervalToReloadConfigInSeconds = 5;

            // Demonstrates how to use custom response fabrics
            app.UseThrottlingTroll(options =>
                options.Config = new ThrottlingTrollConfig
                    Rules = new[]
                        new ThrottlingTrollRule
                            UriPattern = "/fixed-window-1-request-per-2-seconds-response-fabric",
                            LimitMethod = new FixedWindowRateLimitMethod
                                PermitLimit = 1,
                                IntervalInSeconds = 2

                // Custom response fabric, returns 400 BadRequest + some custom content
                options.ResponseFabric = async (checkResults, requestProxy, responseProxy, requestAborted) =>
                    // Getting the rule that was exceeded and with the biggest RetryAfter value
                    var limitExceededResult = checkResults.OrderByDescending(r => r.RetryAfterInSeconds).FirstOrDefault(r => r.RequestsRemaining < 0);
                    if (limitExceededResult == null)

                    responseProxy.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;

                    responseProxy.SetHttpHeader(HeaderNames.RetryAfter, limitExceededResult.RetryAfterHeaderValue);

                    await responseProxy.WriteAsync("Too many requests. Try again later.");

            // Demonstrates how to delay the response instead of returning 429
            app.UseThrottlingTroll(options =>
                options.Config = new ThrottlingTrollConfig
                    Rules = new[]
                        new ThrottlingTrollRule
                            UriPattern = "/fixed-window-1-request-per-2-seconds-delayed-response",
                            LimitMethod = new FixedWindowRateLimitMethod
                                PermitLimit = 1,
                                IntervalInSeconds = 2

                // Custom response fabric, impedes the normal response for 3 seconds
                options.ResponseFabric = async (checkResults, requestProxy, responseProxy, requestAborted) =>
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));

                    var ingressResponse = (IIngressHttpResponseProxy)responseProxy;
                    ingressResponse.ShouldContinueAsNormal = true;

            // Demonstrates how to use identity extractors
            app.UseThrottlingTroll(options =>
                options.Config = new ThrottlingTrollConfig
                    Rules = new[]
                        new ThrottlingTrollRule
                            UriPattern = "/fixed-window-3-requests-per-15-seconds-per-each-api-key",
                            LimitMethod = new FixedWindowRateLimitMethod
                                PermitLimit = 3,
                                IntervalInSeconds = 15

                            IdentityIdExtractor = request =>
                                // Identifying clients by their api-key
                                return ((IIncomingHttpRequestProxy)request).Request.Query["api-key"];

            // Demonstrates Semaphore (Concurrency) rate limiter
            // DON'T TEST IT IN BROWSER, because browsers themselves limit the number of concurrent requests to the same URL.
            app.UseThrottlingTroll(options =>
                options.Config = new ThrottlingTrollConfig
                    Rules = new[]
                        new ThrottlingTrollRule
                            UriPattern = "/semaphore-2-concurrent-requests",
                            LimitMethod = new SemaphoreRateLimitMethod
                                PermitLimit = 2

            /// Demonstrates how to make a named distributed critical section with Semaphore (Concurrency) rate limiter and Identity Extractor.
            /// Query string's 'id' parameter is used as identityId.
            // DON'T TEST IT IN BROWSER, because browsers themselves limit the number of concurrent requests to the same URL.
            app.UseThrottlingTroll(options =>
                options.Config = new ThrottlingTrollConfig
                    Rules = new[]
                        new ThrottlingTrollRule
                            UriPattern = "/named-critical-section",
                            LimitMethod = new SemaphoreRateLimitMethod
                                PermitLimit = 1

                            // This must be set to something > 0 for responses to be automatically delayed
                            MaxDelayInSeconds = 120,

                            IdentityIdExtractor = request =>
                                // Identifying clients by their id
                                return ((IIncomingHttpRequestProxy)request).Request.Query["id"];

            // Demonstrates how to make a distributed counter with SemaphoreRateLimitMethod
            app.UseThrottlingTroll(options =>
                options.Config = new ThrottlingTrollConfig
                    Rules = new[]
                        new ThrottlingTrollRule
                            UriPattern = "/distributed-counter",
                            LimitMethod = new SemaphoreRateLimitMethod
                                PermitLimit = 1

                            // This must be set to something > 0 for responses to be automatically delayed
                            MaxDelayInSeconds = 120,

                            IdentityIdExtractor = request =>
                                // Identifying counters by their id
                                return ((IIncomingHttpRequestProxy)request).Request.Query["id"];

            // Demonstrates how to use cost extractors
            app.UseThrottlingTroll(options =>
                options.Config = new ThrottlingTrollConfig
                    Rules = new[]
                        new ThrottlingTrollRule
                            UriPattern = "/fixed-window-balance-of-10-per-20-seconds",

                            LimitMethod = new FixedWindowRateLimitMethod
                                PermitLimit = 10,
                                IntervalInSeconds = 20

                            // Specifying a routine to calculate the cost (weight) of each request
                            CostExtractor = request =>
                                // Cost comes as a 'cost' query string parameter
                                string? cost = ((IIncomingHttpRequestProxy)request).Request.Query["cost"];

                                return long.TryParse(cost, out long val) ? val : 1;

            // </ThrottlingTroll Ingress Configuration>

scale-tone commented 6 months ago

Hi @almightydegu , line 82 is an alternative way of initializing RedisCounterStore, intended for those cases when you also use Redis for something else (and hence already have IConnectionMultiplexer instance in the DI container).

In your case you do not need to uncomment that line.

All you need is a local Redis instance running locally and available on that port 6379.

Ways of configuring non-default Counter Stores are explained here.

almightydegu commented 6 months ago

Thats great thank you for clearing that up