ThrowTheSwitch / Ceedling

Ruby-based unit testing and build system for C projects
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A "to-do" list for new Ceedling developers #70

Open hmijail opened 8 years ago

hmijail commented 8 years ago

I have a couple of ideas about what I would like to improve in Ceedling, but I don't know whether those are things that would be accepted by the official developers, or whether I could scratch my particular itch while also indirectly advancing some larger goal. So some "to-do" list could be a great synchronization tool.

Letme commented 8 years ago

Why don't you just open issues here and they can decide?

hmijail commented 8 years ago

Short answer: scaling.

I have already opened issues, and asked in the forum. Now I might implement my own fix for my own problems, and I don't know whether

All of those could shape my decision to do something and how to do it. Asking is good, but having a document where one can quickly check the status of things is better.

mvandervoord commented 8 years ago

I like this idea, actually. Personally, I use Trello for all my personal todo lists. If I were to set up a public Trello for this project, would you see that as filling this need? Were you thinking something more wiki-like?

hmijail commented 8 years ago

A simple, bog-standard TODO text file in the root dir would be enough...

mvandervoord commented 8 years ago

Sounds easy enough. :)