ThrowTheSwitch / Unity

Simple Unit Testing for C
MIT License
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Property-Based Testing: Supported? #490

Open jjmilburn opened 4 years ago

jjmilburn commented 4 years ago

We use ceedling in pretty much all of our embedded projects as a straightforward testing framework with mocks, and it works well.

However, we're looking at adding property-based testing, possibly with a library like theft (see also:

Are there any existing property-based testing plugins for Ceedling, or is anyone aware of current work being done to support property-based testing in Ceedling?

If not, would it be ill-advised to create a plugin that enables Theft for property based testing?

(This might not be the right repository to post this issue, if so, feel free to close and I can move it elsewhere).

mvandervoord commented 4 years ago

I've had theft integration on my todo list for a long time, but have not done anything towards that yet. I would love it if you jumped into building a plugin for it!

jjmilburn commented 4 years ago

Hi @mvandervoord , I would certainly be willing to try if time permits. I've added it to a list to check back over in the next few months. That shouldn't block anyone else who is raring to go before then, though :)

patkan commented 4 years ago

Hi, I would be interested in such a plugin, but am not sure how much time I can spend on this. Maybe this would also help others: Are there some hints or guides on starting points when writing a plugin to unity? (Up to now I've just been using the framework without really caring about its innards.)

jjmilburn commented 4 years ago

Updating that other items at work have arisen, and I'll have to step back from this. Feel free to close issue unless someone else wants to take it :)