Thumbkin / MissingTradeSkillsList_Classic

Addon for World of Warcraft (Classic) v1.13
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Addon not working on Classic as up to 16-07-20233 #9

Open Gatarro opened 1 year ago

Gatarro commented 1 year ago

Updated to last version like 1 week ago Addon does not load and cant be opened

I have tried uninstall it, re install it, install a previous version

So far nothing works

KU-GH commented 1 year ago

Same issue. Here is the error that I get:

Date: 2023-07-20 11:18:29 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua line 29: attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value) Debug: [string "@MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua"]:29: CreateBaseFrame() [string "@MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\mainframes\missing_tradeskills_frame.lua"]:36: Initialise() string "@MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\event_handler.lua":34: ?()


Locals: self =

{ CreateDropDown = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:318 FillDropDown = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:333 CreateMainFrame = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:60 CreateWayPoint = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:292 PrintAboutMessage = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:246 CreateCheckbox = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:118 tomtom_warned = false GetLocalisedLabelSpecialAction = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:407 CreateLabel = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:137 GetLocalisedData = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:415 CreateBaseFrame = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:22 CreateIconTextButton = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:159 FillDropDownCheckable = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:364 SetAddonLocale = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:276 PrintHelpMessage = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:255 CreateScrollFrame = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:219 AddDragToFrame = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:389 GetLocalisedLabel = defined @Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua:399 } type = "Frame" name = "MTSLUI_MissingTradeSkillsFrame" parent = MTSLUI_ToggleButton { 0 = Text = MTSLUI_ToggleButtonText { } Right = { } Middle = { } Left = { } } template = nil width = 908 height = 497 has_backdrop = true generic_frame = MTSLUI_MissingTradeSkillsFrame { 0 = } (temporary) = nil (temporary) = MTSLUI_MissingTradeSkillsFrame { 0 = } (temporary) =
{ bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background" tileSize = 16 edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border" tile = true edgeSize = 16 insets =
{ } } (temporary) = "attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)"

AddOns: Swatter, v3.4.6837 (SwimmingSeadragon) AIVoiceOver, v1.4.1 AIVoiceOverDataVanilla, v0.1 AtlasLootClassic, vv3.1.3 AtlasLootClassicData, vv3.1.3 AtlasLootClassicDungeonsAndRaids, vv3.1.3 Attune, v253 AucAdvanced, v3.4.6844 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucFilterBasic, v3.4.6803 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatHistogram, v3.4.6805 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatiLevel, v3.4.6809 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatPurchased, v3.4.6806 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatSimple, v3.4.6807 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatStdDev, v3.4.6808 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucUtilFixAH, v3.4.6810 (SwimmingSeadragon) BagBrother, v Bagnon, v10.0.16 BeanCounter, v3.4.6811 (SwimmingSeadragon) ClassicAuraDurations, v3.4.0 ClassicCastbars, vv1.6.3 DBMStatusBarTimers, v71676ab Enchantrix, v3.4.6849 (SwimmingSeadragon) EnchantrixBarker, v3.4.6813 (SwimmingSeadragon) ExtendedCharacterStats, v3.1.1 Informant, v3.4.6850 (SwimmingSeadragon) LeatrixMaps, v1.14.117 MapCoords, v0.41 MissingTradeSkillsList, v1.13.7 ModernTargetFrame, v1.12 Necrosis, v7.6c OmniCC, v10.1.1 Plater, vPlater-v561.4-Classic Questie, v8.8.2 RareScanner, v1.14.3.2 SlideBar, v3.4.6851 (SwimmingSeadragon) Stubby, v3.4.6816 (SwimmingSeadragon) VendorPrice, v1.6.5 WhatsTraining, v3.0.0 ZoneInfoClassicEra, v1.0 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v1.14.3.11403 (ck=543)

muwu3 commented 1 year ago

me too i got the same problem, and error

KU-GH commented 1 year ago

Two more things.

  1. I was able to make it work using these tips:

If you're getting the SetBackDrop stacktrace the:

Make the following 3 changes to get it working on Classic Era: In file: \World of Warcraft_classicera\Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\tools.lua Line 23 should be: local generic_frame = CreateFrame(type, name, parent, "BackdropTemplate")

In file: \World of Warcraft_classicera\Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\common\filter_frame.lua Line 69 should be: self.ui_frame.search_box = CreateFrame("EditBox", self.filter_frame_name .. "_TF", self.ui_frame, "BackdropTemplate")

In file: World of Warcraft_classicera\Interface\AddOns\MissingTradeSkillsList\ui\common\npc_filter_frame.lua Line 74 should be: self.ui_frame.search_box = CreateFrame("EditBox", self.filter_frame_name .. "_TF", self.ui_frame, "BackdropTemplate")

But it's not working 100% as it should. The MTSL button is invisible but if I click on the place where it should be - the addon window opens. WoWScrnShot_072123_082247

  1. Before this error started occuring the addon was loading it's TBC version, now it correctly opens Vanilla.
Gatarro commented 1 year ago

so the problem also affects "the button"

is there but invisible

Gatarro commented 1 year ago


thx for the tips, i made the changes to the file and it works as described

the button remains invisible, but press where it should be located and the addon will work Lets wait for the new version so they can fix this issue

ktzee commented 1 year ago

I can't get the window to show in any way in WoW Classic Era. The map button appears, but it doesn't respond to any type of click. Also, no window displays when opening crafting panels.