ThummeTo / FMIFlux.jl

FMIFlux.jl is a free-to-use software library for the Julia programming language, which offers the ability to place FMUs ( everywhere inside of your ML topologies and still keep the resulting model trainable with a standard (or custom) FluxML training process.
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Usage of an input-function in the FMU-layer of a Chain is not possible, yet #132

Open juguma opened 6 months ago

juguma commented 6 months ago

Please provide an example (and presumably missing functionality) to include an input-function into the FMU-layer of an FMIFlux.Chain. This is crucial when you work with FMUs that only create reasonable output with nonzero input.


  1. I know there are several options to define an input-function to an FMU: inputFunction!(t::T, u::AbstractArray{<:T}) inputFunction!(comp::FMU2Component, t::T, u::AbstractArray{<:T}) inputFunction!(comp::FMU2Component, x::Union{AbstractArray{<:T,1}, Nothing}, u::AbstractArray{<:T}) inputFunction!(x::Union{AbstractArray{<:T,1}, Nothing}, t::T, u::AbstractArray{<:T}) inputFunction!(comp::FMU2Component, x::Union{AbstractArray{<:T,1}, Nothing}, t::T, u::AbstractArray{<:T}) However I am not sure, if support of the more complex function types (i.e. those which do not only depend on t) are actually relevant for many users. I would be happy, if a purely time-dependent input function was supported.

  2. When extending functionality, please keep in mind that in batched training one might want to use different inputs on different batches. ( we discussed for the batch-wise parameters. This might be worth a second ticket, once this one is finished).

juguma commented 3 months ago

As an update: I found a workaround for this one. If you are the owner of the FMU, you can export this FMU with a variable being equal to the (simulation) time. E.g. in Modelica: Real mytime = time: Export this variable together with the FMU. Then, in julia, you can "use" this variable via fmiGetReal(fmu.components[end],"mytime"), e.g. to define the "t" in the FMU-call: myFMU(;x=x,dx_refs=:all, t = fmiGetReal(fmu.components[end],"mytime")) or, to define an input function: myFMU(;x=x,dx_refs=:all,u_refs = my_input_refs, u = inputFctOOP(fmiGetReal(fmu.components[end],"mytime")) Remark (for myself 😏): For this, the inputFct which you define for your FMU (which by the FMI.jl-requirements should be in-place, see above), has to be rewritten as its out of place (OOP) variant.

One should be very well aware that this is really only a workaround (an ugly but working one). It's no excuse for not implementing this feature 🙃.