Thunberg087 / vue-fragment

a very candide fragment component for Vue.js
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NotFoundError: Node was not found in removeChild. #34

Open douglasg14b opened 4 years ago

douglasg14b commented 4 years ago

I'm using a fragment with a slot, which seems to be the cause? The above error occurs every time I change router views while the below component is the root element for the routes component.

        <v-expand-transition v-if="initSteps === 0" leave-absolute>
            <v-progress-linear v-show="showProgress" class="z-index-100" indeterminate absolute top></v-progress-linear>
        <v-expand-transition v-else leave-absolute>
            <v-progress-linear v-show="showProgress" stream class="z-index-100" absolute top :value="initProgress"></v-progress-linear>


        <v-overlay :dark="false" absolute opacity="0.75" color="grey lighten-3" :value="showProgress" v-if="initSteps == 0">
        <v-overlay :dark="false" absolute v-else opacity="0.5" color="grey lighten-3" :value="showProgress">
Planck-Ho commented 4 years ago

I also met

xiongxt commented 4 years ago

I also met

douglasg14b commented 4 years ago


tobias-kuendig commented 4 years ago

Try to use v-show instead of v-if on the root elements. Maybe this helps.

constgen commented 4 years ago

My solution was to use a render function. I converted this

  <Fragment v-if="matches">

to this

 render(createElement) {
    let { $slots, matches } = this;
    let children = matches ? $slots.default : undefined;

    return createElement(Fragment, {}, children);

And now it works without problems

Tofandel commented 4 years ago

Congrats you just converted

  <Fragment v-if="matches">


    <slot v-if="matches"></slot>
constgen commented 4 years ago

You are absolutely right