ThunderFly-aerospace / PX4-FlightGear-Bridge

FlightGear simulator to PX4 software stack connector
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
32 stars 42 forks source link

Rascal looks different #18

Closed Jaeyoung-Lim closed 4 years ago

Jaeyoung-Lim commented 4 years ago

I have removed the previously installed rascal model and tried running the fg nightly build.

However, the rascal model looks a bit different compared to the previously installed model. Screenshot from 2020-05-02 19-04-41

Could someone enlighten me on why the mesh of the model changed?

kaklik commented 4 years ago

This can happen in the situation when some parts of the model are not found. Yellow-blue airplane is a common simplification of FG model in situations where something gets wrong. The command-line messages probably can help you debug this issue.

Jaeyoung-Lim commented 4 years ago

@kaklik Oh, right. Thanks for clarifying.

The log is as below

I'm Mavlink to FlightGear Bridge
Targed Bridge Freq: 200, send data every step: 1
  5   -1
  7   -1
  2   1
  4   1
INFO  [dataman] Unknown restart, data manager file './dataman' size is 11798680 bytes
INFO  [simulator] Waiting for simulator to accept connection on TCP port 4560
INFO  [simulator] Simulator connected on TCP port 4560.
INFO  [commander] LED: open /dev/led0 failed (22)
INFO  [commander] Mission #3 loaded, 11 WPs, curr: 0
    0.04 [INFO]:gui        UI languages: ("en-US")
    0.04 [INFO]:gui        Loaded translations for locale "en_US"
    0.04 [INFO]:general    FlightGear:  Version 2019.2.0
    0.04 [INFO]:general    FlightGear:  Build Type Nightly
    0.04 [INFO]:general    Built with GNU C++ version 7.5
    0.04 [INFO]:general    Jenkins number/ID 0:none
    0.04 [INFO]:general    platform default fg_root = Path "/usr/share/games/flightgear"
INFO  [init] Mixer: etc/mixers-sitl/plane_sitl.main.mix on /dev/pwm_output0
    0.05 [INFO]:input      Reading user settings from Path "/home/jaeyoung/.fgfs/autosave_2019_2.xml"
    0.05 [INFO]:general    init package root at:Path "/home/jaeyoung/.fgfs/Aircraft"
INFO  [mavlink] mode: Normal, data rate: 4000000 B/s on udp port 18570 remote port 14550
INFO  [airspeed_selector] No airspeed sensor detected. Switch to non-airspeed mode.
    0.06 [INFO]:input      aircraft = Rascal110-YASim
    0.06 [INFO]:general    Loading aircraft -set file from:Path "/home/jaeyoung/src/Firmware/Tools/flightgear_bridge/models/FlightGear-Rascal/Rascal110-YASim-set.xml"
    0.06 [ALRT]:aircraft   Aircraft does not specify a minimum FG version: please add one at /sim/minimum-fg-version
    0.06 [INFO]:general    Found language resource for: en_US
    0.06 [INFO]:general    Reading localized strings for 'en' from Path "/usr/share/games/flightgear/Translations/default/sys.xml"
    0.06 [INFO]:general    Reading localized strings for 'en' from Path "/usr/share/games/flightgear/Translations/default/atc.xml"
    0.06 [INFO]:general    Reading localized strings for 'en' from Path "/usr/share/games/flightgear/Translations/default/tips.xml"
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:aircraft = Rascal110-YASim
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:fg-aircraft = ./models
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:enable-terrasync = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:timeofday = noon
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-sound = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general    Channel string = 15400
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:telnet = 15400
    0.06 [INFO]:general    Channel string = socket,out,100,,15200,udp,FGtoPX4
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:generic = socket,out,100,,15200,udp,FGtoPX4
    0.06 [INFO]:general    Channel string = socket,in,100,,15300,udp,PX4toFG
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:generic = socket,in,100,,15300,udp,PX4toFG
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:model-hz = 120
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-random-objects = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/texture-compression=off
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/quality-level=0
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/shaders/quality-level=0
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-ai-traffic = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/ai/enabled=0
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/random-vegetation=0
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/random-buildings=0
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-specular-highlight = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-ai-models = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-clouds = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-clouds3d = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:fog-fastest = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:visibility = 2000
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-distance-attenuation = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-real-weather-fetch = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/particles=0
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/multi-sample-buffers=1
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/multi-samples=2
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/draw-mask/clouds=false
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/draw-mask/aircraft=true
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/draw-mask/models=true
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:prop = /sim/rendering/draw-mask/terrain=true
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-random-vegetation = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-random-buildings = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-rembrandt = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general     option:disable-horizon-effect = 
    0.06 [INFO]:general    Using default download dir: Path "/home/jaeyoung/.fgfs"
    0.06 [INFO]:general    Using default texture cache directory: Path "/home/jaeyoung/.fgfs/TextureCache"
    0.06 [INFO]:general    Using TerraSync dir: Path "/home/jaeyoung/.fgfs/TerraSync"
    0.06 [WARN]:general    scenery path not found:Path "/usr/share/games/flightgear/Scenery"
    0.06 [INFO]:general    EmbeddedResourceManager: selected locale 'en_US'
    0.06 [INFO]:opengl     Using stock OSG implementation of GraphicsWindow
StatsHandler::StatsHandler() Setting up GL2 compatible shaders
Now checking for plug-in osgPlugins-3.4.1/
    0.06 [INFO]:astro      initializing cloud layers
INFO  [mavlink] mode: Onboard, data rate: 4000000 B/s on udp port 14580 remote port 14540
INFO  [mavlink] mode: Onboard, data rate: 4000 B/s on udp port 14280 remote port 14030
INFO  [logger] logger started (mode=all)
INFO  [logger] Start file log (type: full)
INFO  [logger] Opened full log file: ./log/2020-05-02/20_31_42.ulg
INFO  [mavlink] MAVLink only on localhost (set param MAV_BROADCAST = 1 to enable network)
INFO  [px4] Startup script returned successfully
pxh>     0.19 [WARN]:general    Enabling ATI/AMD viewport hack
    0.19 [INFO]:general    Configuration State
    0.19 [INFO]:general    ============= =====
    0.19 [INFO]:general    aircraft-dir = "/home/jaeyoung/src/Firmware/Tools/flightgear_bridge/models/FlightGear-Rascal"
    0.19 [INFO]:general    fghome-dir = "Path "/home/jaeyoung/.fgfs""
    0.19 [INFO]:general    download-dir = "/home/jaeyoung/.fgfs"
    0.19 [INFO]:general    terrasync-dir = "/home/jaeyoung/.fgfs/TerraSync"
    0.19 [INFO]:general    aircraft-search-paths = 
    0.19 [INFO]:general    scenery-search-paths = 
    0.26 [INFO]:general    NVIDIA Corporation
    0.26 [INFO]:general    GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2
    0.26 [INFO]:general    4.6.0 NVIDIA 440.59
    0.26 [INFO]:general    4.60 NVIDIA
    0.26 [INFO]:general    VertexAttribDivisor supported
    0.28 [INFO]:view       Splash screen progress loading-aircraft-list
    0.28 [INFO]:view       FGRenderer:: Maximum texture size 32768
    0.30 [ALRT]:terrasync  Starting automatic scenery download/synchronization to '/home/jaeyoung/.fgfs/TerraSync'.
    0.30 [INFO]:view       Splash screen progress loading-nav-dat
    0.31 [INFO]:navaid     NavCache at:Path "/home/jaeyoung/.fgfs/navdata_2019_2.cache"
    0.31 [INFO]:navaid     NavCache read-only flags is:0
    0.31 [INFO]:navaid     NavCache: no main cache rebuild required
    0.31 [INFO]:view       Splash screen progress init-scenery
    0.32 [INFO]:general    General Initialization
    0.32 [INFO]:general    ======= ==============
    0.32 [INFO]:general    FG_ROOT = "Path "/usr/share/games/flightgear""

    0.34 [INFO]:general    Attempting to set starting position for BIKF:29
    0.34 [INFO]:event      Reading timezone info from: Path "/usr/share/games/flightgear/Timezone/"
    0.34 [INFO]:terrain    Selected scenery is tilecache
    0.34 [INFO]:terrain    FGStgTerrain::init - init tilemgr
    0.34 [INFO]:terrain    Initializing Tile Manager subsystem.
    0.34 [INFO]:terrain    Initializing the tile cache.
    0.34 [INFO]:terrain      max cache size = 100
    0.34 [INFO]:terrain      current cache size = 0
    0.34 [INFO]:terrain      done with init()
    0.34 [INFO]:view       Splash screen progress finalize-position
    0.39 [INFO]:view       Splash screen progress creating-subsystems
    0.40 [INFO]:general    Creating Subsystems
    0.40 [INFO]:general    ======== ==========
    0.40 [INFO]:input      Reading materials from Path "/usr/share/games/flightgear/Materials/regions/materials.xml"
    0.48 [INFO]:terrasync  picking entry # 2, server is
    0.48 [INFO]:terrasync  terrasync scenery provider of the day is ''
    0.50 [INFO]:terrasync  sync of started, queue size is 26
    0.95 [INFO]:systems    Reading systems from Path "/usr/share/games/flightgear/Aircraft/Generic/generic-systems.xml"
    0.96 [INFO]:cockpit    Initializing HUD Instrument
    0.96 [INFO]:sound      Reading sound sound from Path "/usr/share/games/flightgear/Aircraft/Generic/generic-sound.xml"
    0.96 [INFO]:general    Creating subsystems took:567
    0.96 [INFO]:view       Splash screen progress binding-subsystems
    1.75 [ALRT]:systems    Failed to load electrical system model: Path ""
    1.88 [ALRT]:autopilot  Cannot find property-rule configuration file 'Aircraft/Rascal/Systems/110-autopilot.xml'.
    1.98 [ALRT]:ai         Submodels: Unable to read AI submodels file: Path ""
    2.24 [ALRT]:aircraft   Failed to find aircraft model: Aircraft/Rascal/Models/Rascal110.xml
    2.24 [ALRT]:aircraft   (Falling back to
    2.41 [ALRT]:nasal      Volcanic activity off.
    2.55 [ALRT]:nasal      Cannot find Nasal script 'Aircraft/Rascal/Systems/main.nas' for module 'rascal'.
    2.55 [ALRT]:nasal      Cannot find Nasal script 'Aircraft/Rascal/Systems/airdata.nas' for module 'rascal'.
    2.55 [ALRT]:nasal      Cannot find Nasal script 'Aircraft/Rascal/Systems/aura.nas' for module 'rascal'.
PX4 Communicator: PX4 Connected.
    7.51 [ALRT]:flight     This aircraft uses yasim version '2018.1' (3)

YASim warning: possible convergence problem.
FGBridge: Low FlightGear Update Freq: 5.71429
    8.03 [INFO]:OSG        
    8.03 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    8.04 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
WARN  [airspeed_selector] Airspeed: switched from sensor -1 to 1
INFO  [ecl/EKF] 9299022871: GPS checks passed (WGS-84 origin set)
    8.47 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    8.49 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    8.49 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    8.49 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    8.49 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    8.52 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    8.52 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    8.52 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    8.52 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    8.53 [WARN]:OSG        PNG lib warning : iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
INFO  [ecl/EKF] 9299788114: EKF aligned, (baro height, IMU buf: 18, OBS buf: 14)
INFO  [ecl/EKF] 9299788114: reset position to last known position
INFO  [ecl/EKF] 9299788114: reset velocity to zero
INFO  [ecl/EKF] 9303612347: reset position to GPS
INFO  [ecl/EKF] 9303612347: reset velocity to GPS
INFO  [ecl/EKF] 9303612347: commencing GPS fusion

It seems like it wasn't able to find the aircraft model: 2.24 [ALRT]:aircraft Failed to find aircraft model: Aircraft/Rascal/Models/Rascal110.xml

kaklik commented 4 years ago

It seems you have defined the model path as a relative path. option:fg-aircraft = ./models FG does not like relative paths.

Jaeyoung-Lim commented 4 years ago

I didn't change anything out of px4 master. Seems like that is coming from

kaklik commented 4 years ago

I didn't change anything out of px4 master. Seems like that is coming from

Ok, it seems to be a bug in the Apparently you can work around it by setting the FG_MODELS_DIR variable to the required absolute path to the directory of models.

You should be inspired by this script.

saengphet commented 4 years ago

Hi, I got the same problem "failed to find aircraft model".

Jaeyoung-Lim commented 4 years ago

@kaklik @saengphet Updating the submodule to the master of this repo solved the problem. This needs a backport as and a update on the firmware side

seems like fixes it?

kaklik commented 4 years ago

seems like eb89f37 fixes it?

That commit could solve the issue in the case where you had the Rascal model directory named by an old submodule name Rascal110.

In another case, we should check that is completely avoiding to use a relative path in fgfs startup parameters.

Jaeyoung-Lim commented 4 years ago

@kaklik This is not a special setup for me. I am trying to debug the broken setup in master of PX4/firmware.

It seems like master has a model name as FlightGear-Rascal ( and this has been changed Rascal110 then to Rascal

saengphet commented 4 years ago

@kaklik @saengphet Updating the submodule to the master of this repo solved the problem. This needs a backport as PX4#3 and a update on the firmware side

seems like eb89f37 fixes it?

Solved, thank you !!