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Possible self-destruct or explode bug? #170

Open RViper80 opened 7 years ago

RViper80 commented 7 years ago

Issue Description:

A level 40-something Koffing threw a tantrum after I fainted it, decided that if it can't stay in the Nether, than neither could I, and went nuclear.

I'm not sure which of the two moves it was, since a level 40+ can use both, and there was nothing in the move history or forge log. If those moves can make a crater like this rarely and I just got extremely unlucky, then I guess that's fine. There's no way to survive that though.

I wasn't doing anything in particular, just clearing out the area near the Nether portal with a Charmeleon's Dragon Rage, since there were a lot of Koffing, Wheezing, and Golbats there.

What happens:

Don't mind the block and lava colors, I just find the solid red of the Nether to be a bit irritating.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

Thutmose commented 7 years ago

btw, you can paste images into the issue and have them show inline, tather than needing to link to external source.

The explosions in the nether are a somewhat known issue, the problem is vanilla netherrack has almost no resistance to explosions. When those blasts occur in the overworld, they scale fairly nicely with the attack stat of the mob that uses explosion/self destruct, but in the nether, they are pretty much what you see there. This is due to vanilla making netherrack very, very weak, probably to make the bed explosions even more damaging, or to make it so the wither destroys the whole nether...

One possible solution on your end, is to get a psyduck, poliwag, or something else with the ability damp, and have it follow you around while in the nether, damp will prevent the blasts from occuring. You can also disable explosions in configs.

RViper80 commented 7 years ago

Hmm... ok, that makes sense with the netherrack being weak. Just was surprising going from full health to dead (granted I'm on hard difficulty and wasn't wearing armor at the time) and watching all the terrain disappear. Time to figure out a way through all that mess now then and look for that damp ability, sounds useful. :P

I guess I'll leave you either close this as WAI or leave it here in case you want to look into trying to tame those explosions at some point :)

Thanks for the response.

Thutmose commented 7 years ago

Hmm, I can see if I can get it to respect the max damage to players however, by default pokemob mobs shouldn't be able to deal more than 1/2 your max health at once (should cap damage to maxWildPlayerDamage in config), the amount of damage it dealt was probably correct if it ignored the cap, as lvl 40 pokemobs do tend to do more than 20 damage at once, especially when using such a powerful move.

I will probably leave this issue open anyway, so if anyone else comes to report this they will see it, you are the second person to report the massive amount of damage it does to blocks in the nether.

lendrick commented 7 years ago

Ideally it would be nice if exploding mobs respected the mobgriefing game rule, although I'm glad there's a config option.

Thutmose commented 7 years ago

hmm i forgot about that rule, i will make the pokemob move effects respect it. i have never plated with that rule set to not allow damage, so i never considered it.