Thutmose / Pokecube

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I know you're waiting for Legends, but I have some suggestions for Nihilego abilities. #184

Open KingEdward9830 opened 7 years ago

KingEdward9830 commented 7 years ago

No need to make this Pokémon attainable in survival mode yet, I just want to see some special features added to Nihilego in this mod that wouldn't have fit into the main game but are canonical to the species. This content will be creative only until such a time as Nihilego and the other UBs become attainable in survival mode, but I'm OK with that.

First of all, Nihilego should have a unique feature where right clicking on an owned Nihilego with an empty bottle would allow you to bottle some of its unique neurotoxin. Crafting this with a filled Pokecube would make the Pokemob inside gain a massive power boost but go berserk next time it is let out of its cube. The status would last for awhile, with the Pokemob attacking everything in sight(that isn't a Nihilego) until the effect wore off, at which point it would instantly faint and need reviving. (Recalling the Pokemob should pause the effect timer, and healing should have no effect on the status.)

Consuming the toxin would cause the player to gain sizable buffs, but also a new effect that would cut the player's HP to 1/2 a heart when the timer wore off.

Finally, attempting to ride a Nihilego would cause the player to enter a form that looks like Lusamine Mother Beast but drawn in Minecraft style with the player character instead of Lusamine. This would power up the attacks Nihilego knows but gradually drain the player's health while mounted. It would also cause nearby Pokemobs driven berserk by Nihilego toxin to be neutral towards the player, as opposed to hostile.

If this suggestion doesn't make it in that's fine, was just brainstorming some ideas for how to incorporate Nihilego's toxin abilities in a way that would suit the mod. Constructive criticism is welcomed, along with any other positive feedback you'd like to add. Thanks for reading!

Thutmose commented 7 years ago

hmm, that could probably be done via an addon mod, maybe you can try to make one that does this? or see if you can finds someone willing to do it?

the berserk AI can be done by making an additional AI runnable/task which checks for the effect on the pokemob, Pokecube Server Utilities has examples of adding to the existing AI via an addon.

The toxin on the player might be doable via a custom potion effect.

the riding the Nihilego effects can possibly be done with something similar to what pokeplayer does for changing the model.

KingEdward9830 commented 7 years ago

If I ever get back into coding I'll look into making it myself, for now any and all of the ideas I posted here are free to use for anyone who's making a Pokecube addon already. Thanks again.