Thutmose / Pokecube

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Server thread/ERROR #201

Closed Snez0kRU closed 6 years ago

Snez0kRU commented 7 years ago

Issue Description:

Note: Sometimes consol give me errors such as this, i seen there pokecube.core so just write it trhere, maybe it need to be fixed, maybe not. It's not a crash, just error

What happens:

What you expected to happen:

Steps to reproduce:

Didn't know, there is another player make this error


[08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Exception during phase body /

[08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Something happened trying to run the main body of a phase org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.phase.packet.PlaceBlockPacketState@1da505c3 / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / PhaseContext : / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: Source / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: EntityPlayerMP['Pikabu'/195841, l='world', x=494.45, y=64.00, z=2091.84] / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: PacketPlayer / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: EntityPlayerMP['Pikabu'/195841, l='world', x=494.45, y=64.00, z=2091.84] / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: Packet / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: CPacketPlayerTryUseItemOnBlock{position=BlockPos{x=493, y=64, z=2091}, / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / placedBlockDirection=east, hand=MAIN_HAND, facingX=1.0, facingY=0.875, facingZ=0.6875} / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: Cursor / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: SpongeItemStackSnapshot{itemType=Item{Name=none}, count=1} / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: IgnoringCreative / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: false / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: ItemUsed / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: 1xitem.glassBottle@0 / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: CapturedBlocks / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: CapturedBlocksSupplier{Captured=0} / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: CapturedEntities / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: CapturedEntitiesSupplier{Captured=0} / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: Owner / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: EntityPlayerMP['Pikabu'/195841, l='world', x=494.45, y=64.00, z=2091.84] / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: Notifier / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: EntityPlayerMP['Pikabu'/195841, l='world', x=494.45, y=64.00, z=2091.84] / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Phases remaining : / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Phase: org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.phase.packet.PlaceBlockPacketState@1da505c3 / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Context: / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: Source / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: EntityPlayerMP['Pikabu'/195841, l='world', x=494.45, y=64.00, z=2091.84] / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: PacketPlayer / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: EntityPlayerMP['Pikabu'/195841, l='world', x=494.45, y=64.00, z=2091.84] / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: Packet / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: CPacketPlayerTryUseItemOnBlock{position=BlockPos{x=493, y=64, z=2091}, / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / placedBlockDirection=east, hand=MAIN_HAND, facingX=1.0, facingY=0.875, facingZ=0.6875} / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: Cursor / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: SpongeItemStackSnapshot{itemType=Item{Name=none}, count=1} / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: IgnoringCreative / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: false / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: ItemUsed / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: 1xitem.glassBottle@0 / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: CapturedBlocks / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: CapturedBlocksSupplier{Captured=0} / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: CapturedEntities / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: CapturedEntitiesSupplier{Captured=0} / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: Owner / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: EntityPlayerMP['Pikabu'/195841, l='world', x=494.45, y=64.00, z=2091.84] / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: Notifier / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: EntityPlayerMP['Pikabu'/195841, l='world', x=494.45, y=64.00, z=2091.84] / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Phase: org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.phase.plugin.ScheduledTaskPhaseState@6c5ea7f2 / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Context: / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: Source / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: CapturedBlocks / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: CapturedBlocksSupplier{Captured=0} / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / - Name: CapturedEntities / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Object: CapturedEntitiesSupplier{Captured=0} / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Stacktrace: / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / java.util.ArrayList.get( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / pokecube.core.blocks.tradingTable.TileEntityTradingTable.hasPC( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / pokecube.core.blocks.tradingTable.TileEntityTradingTable.moves( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / pokecube.core.blocks.tradingTable.ContainerTMCreator.( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / pokecube.core.CommonProxyPokecube.getServerGuiElement( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.openGui( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / pokecube.core.blocks.tradingTable.TileEntityTradingTable.openGUI( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / pokecube.core.blocks.tradingTable.BlockTradingTable.func_180639_a( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: /$onProcessRightClickBlock$zhf000( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: /$onProcessPacket$0( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.CauseTracker.switchToPhase( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: /$1.redirect$onProcessPacket$zjj000(SourceFile:539) / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: /$ / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / java.util.concurrent.Executors$ / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / net.minecraft.util.Util.func_181617_a(SourceFile:45) / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / org.spongepowered.common.SpongeImplHooks.onUtilRunTask( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.redirect$onRun$zhp000( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Minecraft : 1.10.2 / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / SpongeAPI : 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT-c675e80 / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / SpongeForge : 1.10.2-2281-5.2.0-BETA-2482 / [08:54:33] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: / Minecraft Forge : /

[08:54:40] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Gathering id map for writing to world save world

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

Forge 2281 Minecraft 1.10.2 image

Thutmose commented 7 years ago

Hmm that error shouldn't occur anymore... I will look into it. I suspect it is sponge related, but I should probably fix this on my end.

Thutmose commented 6 years ago

I think these errors are fixed in the latest verisons of sponge, re-make the issue if that is not the case.