Closed arata00 closed 6 years ago
@arata00 you could be a bit nicer can you show screenshots proof? Version number and minecraft forge release?
i am in minecraft 1.12.1 forge: the pokecube is in the newest version but on the pokemake command I can not spawn it
I have that list of missing mobs located here: I will see about comparing the two and seeing if my list is missing some.
iirc the spawn command for Meloetta requires you to specify the form, try "/pokemake meloettaaria"
the pokemon named meloetta as on de pokedex but is not posible to spawn it
but otherwise I have never had a problem with the mod you do a great job I hope that the updates come faster even with little content, and I am very anxious for the 3 pokemon thundurus, tornadus and landorus to be added to the mod thanks for the effort
here is a list I made with the missing pokemons in the mod
352-kecleon 401-kricketot 402-kricketune 434-stunky 435-stuntank 455-carnivine 456-finneon 457-lumineon 465-tangrowth 467-magmortar 506-lillipup 507-herdier 508-stoutland 511-pansage 512-simisage 513-pansear 514-simisear 515-panpour 516-simipour 529-drilbur 530-excadrill 532-timburr 533-gurdurr 534-conkeldurr 538-throh 539-sawk 540-sewaddle 541-swadloon 542-leavanny 550-basculin 559-scraggy 560-scrafty 564-tirtouga 565-carracosta 566-archen 567-archeops 568-trubbish 569-garbodor 572-minccino 573-cinccino 580-ducklett 581-swanna 588-karrablast 589-escavalier 592-frillish 593-jellicent 605-elgyen 606-beheeyem 615-cryogonal 616-shelmet 617-accelgor 619-mienfoo 620-mienshao 621-druddigon 622-golett 623-golurk 626-bouffalant 627-rufflet 628-braviary 629-vullaby 630-mandibuzz 631-heatmor 638-cobalion 639-terrakion 640-virizion 641-tornadus 642-thundurus 645-landorus 648-meloetta 667-litleo 668-pyroar 669-flabebe 670-floette 671-florges 672-skiddo 673-gogoat 676-furfrou 682-spritzee 683-aromatisse 684-swirlix 685-slurpuff 688-binacle 689-barbaracle 692-clauncher 693-clawitzer 694-helioptile 695-heliolisk 701-hawlucha 710-pumpkaboo 711-gourgeist 720-hoopa 721-volcanion 739-crabrawler 740-crabominable 741-oricorio 742-cutiefly 743-ribombee 747-mareanie 748-toxapex 751-dewpider 752-araquanid 755-morelull 756-shiinotic 757-salandit 758-salazzle 759-stufful 760-bewear 761-bounsweet 762-steenee 763-tsareena 765-oranguru 766-passimian 767-wimpod 768-golisopod 775-komala 776-turtonator 777-togedemaru 779-bruxish 780-drampa 781-dhelmise 782-jangmo-o 783-hakamo-o 784-kommo-o 794-buzzwole 795-pheromosa 796-xurkitree 797-celesteela 799-guzzlord 800-necrozma 801-magearna