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Gligar won't evolve [SOLVED] #265

Closed BalHum closed 6 years ago

BalHum commented 6 years ago

Issue Description:

Can't get any gligar to evolve.

What happens:

Hello, I can't get Gligar to evolve. I've tryed many gligars, got from breeding and wild.

I've tryed with the Iron Pickaxe, that's for Razor Fang and even the Iron Axe (Razor Claw). And in many moments of the nights. Leveling them up all those moments.

I've tryed with an undammaged iron pickaxe and a slightly damaged one.

None of the gligars got to lvl 20 or above.

Also I don't know if Sneasel can evolve.

What you expected to happen:

For the gligar to evolve after leveling up with the iron pickaxe in held item at night.

Steps to reproduce:

1.Get Gligar from egg or wild. 2.Put iron pickaxe onto his held item slot. 3.Level him up at night.


Ok, I got him to evolve. But I did two things at the same time, I don't know wich one did the trick:

  1. Leveling Gligar up with full health. (Found this up in Youtube, but the video was outdated using the Iron Sword and no need to level up).

  2. Used a degraded Iron Pickaxe for him to use. (Someone commented this somewhere)

The first one seems to be the right. I also made him hold an Iron Sword in one of his inventory slots just in case.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):