Thutmose / Pokecube

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Number of pokemobs reduced #291

Closed Skyloq closed 6 years ago

Skyloq commented 6 years ago

Hi, it's me again ^^

What happens:

Since you updated the Core of pokecube, I can edit the .json files without any problem but once in play, I go from a hundred pokemons (about 300) to a maximum of 10-15 around me ...

I tried without adding the file pokemobs_spawns_new.json and the result is the same

Steps to reproduce:


Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):


Thutmose commented 6 years ago

what result do you get from running /pokecount?

Skyloq commented 6 years ago

with a 30 sec interval :


Thutmose commented 6 years ago

That is normal, try moving 30 blocks away and re-run the command

Skyloq commented 6 years ago


I executed the command every 10 sec while moving and there is clearly less

Thutmose commented 6 years ago

It takes a few seconds to spawn, so long as that says 10 or so after you have be in the same spot for 5-10s, then it is working as intended

Skyloq commented 6 years ago


maybe, but the spawn was much faster with an older version

Command executed at the same rate as the last time

Edit :


Second Edit :

Unlike the new version, I run though I see the pokemons appear

Thutmose commented 6 years ago

Hmm, it could be a result of some tweaks done for server load reductions

Skyloq commented 6 years ago

Do you think you can fix that?

Thutmose commented 6 years ago

I will do more testing to see if it needs a "fix" or just more general tweaks.

Skyloq commented 6 years ago

Thank you, keep me informed ;)

Thutmose commented 6 years ago

I will add a config option for how often the spawn code runs, before it was once a tick, now it is once every 20 ticks, the config will let you get it back to how it was, I will probably be unable to upload the fixes until Wednesday.

Thutmose commented 6 years ago

the fix for this should be in the version of pokecube core I uploaded shortly ago