Thutmose / Pokeplayer

Pokecube Mystery Dungeon mod.
MIT License
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Pokeplayer moves not working #8

Closed Greenjoe12345 closed 5 years ago

Greenjoe12345 commented 6 years ago

using moves as pokeplayer does not seem to be working using a close range move does not work at all, while a ranged move just drops

aiming at a pokemon says 'You tell (your username) to use (the move)' and does nothing, except for angering the enemy mon sometimes or 'You tell (your username) to attack (target)' move is not used in those situations Here's some of the messages

ParasiticSquid commented 6 years ago

Im having the exact same problem. Thought it was a mod incompatibility at first but after loads of testing turns out it's just a bug with pokeplayer at the moment.

Hopefully it gets fixed soon since without moves there's little point to pokeplayer except cosmetic/roleplay purposes. Can't even level up without moves since exp is only gained when killing any pokemon or a normal/modded mob( even when non-pokemob exp is set to true ) with a pokecube move

Greenjoe12345 commented 6 years ago

Update: this is somewhat fixed, made a new issue, now it only works when aimed at a mob