Thyraz / Sonos-Kids-Controller

Software for self made touchscreen jukeboxes for kids. Supports Spotify streaming and uses Sonos for audio output.
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Looks like the connection to Spotify is not working #26

Closed toO231 closed 3 years ago

toO231 commented 3 years ago

For me, the installation worked almost smoothly, however, no albums are added actually. Unfortunately, I do not get an error message. I can simply press Add. But nothing happens.

Strangely enough, no requests come to my created Spotify API either.

Does anyone have a hint ?

Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-23 um 16 11 55 Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-23 um 16 20 59
amueller-tech commented 3 years ago

This happened to me when I forgot to add the correct spotify credentials to the config.json. You can search for albums, but they won't be added.

toO231 commented 3 years ago

This happened to me when I forgot to add the correct spotify credentials to the config.json. You can search for albums, but they won't be added.

In config.json I entered my Spotify information. I think that looks right. FE29C272-97C3-4BE4-A326-AA8E495E951A

Thyraz commented 3 years ago

Do you see any errors in the javascript console of the browser when you pressed the add button?

NoTrace-Kai commented 3 years ago

Hi ...

I also get this "error", when i want to add a cd from amazon, nothing happens after pressing the add-button. Where can i find the "data.json" file on my raspberry?

CU Kai

NoTrace-Kai commented 3 years ago

Hi ...

in my case i edited the rights of the sonso-kids-controller and the node-sonos-http-api folder to chmod 777 and after that i could use the Webinterface ... perhaps i installed some things with "sudo" and that was not necessary ;)

CU Kai