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(error) FAILED to execute command: "php" "C:\Users\uVemto\AppData\Local\Programs\Vemto2\resources\static\VMTTL2" #137

Closed vimitali368 closed 1 week ago

vimitali368 commented 2 weeks ago

Error Message: (error) FAILED to execute command: "php" "C:\Users\uVemto\AppData\Local\Programs\Vemto2\resources\static\VMTTL2"


Error: Command failed: "php" "C:\Users\uVemto\AppData\Local\Programs\Vemto2\resources\static\VMTTL2"

    at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:407:12)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:527:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1092:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (node:internal/child_process:451:11)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:527:28)
    at Pipe.<anonymous> (node:net:709:12)

How to reproduce:

Expected behavior:

Actual behavior:

Additional context:

Vemto 2.0.14 win32 10.0.22631 Locale: ru App version: 2.0.14

vimitali368 commented 2 weeks ago

This happens when the project is opened. The project was created by version 2.0.11. In the terminal, the command "php" "C:\Users\uVemto\AppData\Local\Programs\Vemto2\resources\static\VMTTL2 "" it's going well. The folder .vemto was deleted, it doesn't help.

TiagoSilvaPereira commented 1 week ago

@vimitali368, does this problem happen for all your projects? What is the result when running the command on the terminal?

vimitali368 commented 1 week ago

In the terminal, the command "php" "C:\Users\uVemto\AppData\Local\Programs\Vemto2\resources\static\VMTTL2 "" it's going well.

vimitali368 commented 1 week ago

When creating a new project, the code is generated.

TiagoSilvaPereira commented 1 week ago

In the terminal, the command "php" "C:\Users\uVemto\AppData\Local\Programs\Vemto2\resources\static\VMTTL2 "" it's going well.

@vimitali368, what is the output of this command? What is returned when you run this on the terminal?

vimitali368 commented 1 week ago


TiagoSilvaPereira commented 1 week ago

@vimitali368 Thanks, I'll investigate. Is this project still opening in the original 2.0.11 Vemto version?

vimitali368 commented 1 week ago

So far in 2.0.11 I get the same error: image

vimitali368 commented 1 week ago

It also passes from the terminal: image

TiagoSilvaPereira commented 1 week ago

@vimitali368, okay. Did you make some manual changes to this project? Could you please try dropping /vendor and running the composer install again? You could also undo changes you made to the project code to check if they are causing this problem.

TiagoSilvaPereira commented 1 week ago

@vimitali368 also, would it be possible tho share this project as a private Git repository?

vimitali368 commented 1 week ago

okay. Did you make some manual changes to this project? Could you please try dropping /vendor and running the composer install again? You could also undo changes you made to the project code to check if they are causing this problem.

Drop /vendor. composer install. There is no result.

TiagoSilvaPereira commented 1 week ago

Did you made changes to this project code after creating it with Vemto? If so, could you please try reverting them?

vimitali368 commented 1 week ago

I've removed the manual edits. So far, the same result.

TiagoSilvaPereira commented 1 week ago

Is this also happening with new projects? Probably there is something different is this project which is causing this issue. Would it possible to share the code?

vimitali368 commented 1 week ago

If you need a database, tell me, please.

vimitali368 commented 1 week ago

When you download the project, please tell me so that I can delete it.

TiagoSilvaPereira commented 1 week ago

@vimitali368 Thanks I just downloaded it

TiagoSilvaPereira commented 1 week ago

@vimitali368 I just tested your project here, and I received this message. Apparently, you have a duplicate property in the SubtaskSubtaskDetail class (this is probably happening because a recursive relationship is used).


I don't know why the error message isn't showing up there; maybe your PHP is configured not to report errors.

You can verify this by running the code with the display_errors=on option (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24159969/php-command-line-run-does-not-show-errors)

php -d display_errors=on "C:\Users\uVemto\AppData\Local\Programs\Vemto2\resources\static\VMTTL2"

If so, please configure your PHP installation always to report errors.

Try running the application manually; Laravel will probably report the same problem.

vimitali368 commented 1 week ago

I deleted the Subtask model and everything related to it in my project. Deleted the folder .vemto. The project has opened. But there are problems with code generation. I'm trying to create the same clean project in Vemto 2.0.14

TiagoSilvaPereira commented 1 week ago

@vimitali368 perfect. Please also don't forget to enable PHP display_errors on your php.ini to avoid error messages without details. I'm closing for now. Please feel free to comment here if necessary.

vimitali368 commented 1 week ago

I'm trying to create the same clean project in Vemto 2.0.14 There are no problems with code generation. Perfect!!!