Tiarait / HTTP-FS-file-server

This is a http, webdav server for sharing files between users on a Wi-Fi network. The online file sharing application works like a local HTTP server.
Apache License 2.0
51 stars 6 forks source link

V1.0.23 crash with ssl #2

Closed Tiarait closed 6 months ago

Tiarait commented 6 months ago

v1.0.23 Device: Pocco x3 Android: 10

[!IMPORTANT] Application crashes when stopping server if SSL is enabled

Start the server -> make some requests -> Stop the server -> Crash

E/ActivityManager: ANR in com.android.se
    PID: 9522
    Reason: executing service com.android.se/.SecureElementService
    Load: 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
    CPU usage from 20285ms to 0ms ago (2023-12-20 18:28:48.580 to 2023-12-20 18:29:08.864):
W/ActivityTaskManager:   Force finishing activity tiar.ua.slf/.ui.MainActivity
Tiarait commented 6 months ago


snkllc commented 6 months ago

I think you might want to reproduce the app and try the cloned app on a platform like Azures test site or on a similar type of demo platform

Tiarait commented 6 months ago

So I had to go inside the library and rewrite NettyApplicationEngine. The error has disappeared but I don’t know if it will cause new problems. I'll test it again but I don't see any other solution