Tichau / FileConverter

File Converter is a very simple tool which allows you to convert and compress files using the context menu in windows explorer.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7.13k stars 552 forks source link

Fake web impersonating the official website of File Converter #481

Open Quemandoacromo opened 2 months ago

Quemandoacromo commented 2 months ago

There is a fake web (with malware) impersonating the official web of File Converter:

In the fake website footer:

This site previously hosted the open source file converter project maintained by Adrien Allard. This page was created using a customized version of the Cayman theme by Jason Long. image

PS. The installer includes a droper that downloads malware in background

astrysm commented 2 months ago

i am really worried that i just double clicked on a virus because i downloaded the file-converter.org one instead. is it the one with zamzar as the installer? (by the way i only double clicked on it then closed it back out 😅)

if anyone can respond to it, please do as fast as you can.

update: windows defender did a full scan and found nothing.

Quemandoacromo commented 2 months ago

i am really worried that i just double clicked on a virus because i downloaded the file-converter.org one instead. is it the one with zamzar as the installer? (by the way i only double clicked on it then closed it back out 😅) It's malware > https://tria.ge/240523-ppw5xshf5s