Tickaroo / tikxml

Modern XML Parser for Android
Apache License 2.0
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error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to RequestBody #134

Closed mateovalencia closed 4 years ago

mateovalencia commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to generate this: `

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ` I have this two classes: `@Xml( name = "soapenv:Envelope", writeNamespaces = { "soapenv=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/", "con=http://consultartiposdedocumento.wsbeans.iseries/" } ) public class RequestEnvelope { @Element(name = "soapenv:Body") private RequestBody requestBody; public RequestEnvelope() { this.requestBody = new RequestBody(); } public RequestEnvelope(RequestBody requestBody) { this.requestBody = requestBody; } public RequestBody getRequestBody() { return requestBody; } public void setRequestBody(RequestBody requestBody) { this.requestBody = requestBody; } }` And this one: `@Xml(name = "soapenv:Body") public class RequestBody { @Element(name = "con:mtrtipdocc") private RequestContent requestContent; public RequestBody() { } public RequestBody(RequestContent requestContent) { this.requestContent = requestContent; } public RequestContent getRequestContent() { return requestContent; } public void setRequestContent(RequestContent requestContent) { this.requestContent = requestContent; } }` Instead of @Element, I tried with @ElementNameMatcher but it only generates this XML: `` @sockeqwe
sockeqwe commented 4 years ago

I'm closing this now. If it is still an issue feel free to reopen it.