TickingClock1992 / RIdeogram

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Ask for the Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit #21

Open hitrp opened 3 years ago

hitrp commented 3 years ago


I was trying to visualize AD GWAS result following the tutorial on the website, while there comes an error that C stack usage 7972308 is too close to the limit, it works for the first 20 lines but not more, I didn't find useful solutions, have you encounter this one? sig_Jansen_2019_snps_hg38.txt

Best, Peng

bio-mmanni commented 3 years ago

I have encountered the same issue on a Linux 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.centos.plus.x86_64 #1 x86_64 GNU/Linux

ideogram(karyotype = karyotype, label = mappings, label_type = "marker")
Error: C stack usage  7973732 is too close to the limit

Same code with same data works well on my Mac.

TickingClock1992 commented 3 years ago

Please see this link: https://github.com/TickingClock1992/RIdeogram/issues/10