TickingClock1992 / RIdeogram

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Ideogram colored by metabolic categories instead of gene density #24

Open aberaslop opened 2 years ago

aberaslop commented 2 years ago

Dear Zhaodong Hao,

thank you so much for this software! I was wondering if there is any way to plot an ideogram where the bands inside it represent genes colored by metabolic categories instead of the gene density.

I was thinking perhaps something like this:

Chr |Start | End | Color contig_1 | 40968 | 42014 | 9EBF91 contig_1 | 99302 | 101028 | 56A6BA contig_2 | 487948 | 491187 | 56A6BA


Where the color is characteristic of a particular metabolic category, COG genes for instance. Even the ideogram without a legend would be ok, because the legend could be easily made by hand.

Thank you so much!
