First of all, thank you for making good use of your package.
As a personal problem, I had to use the source code as a copy paste instead of installing the RIdeogram package, but I was able to confirm the following error.
Error in rescale(mydata$Value, to = c(1, cnum)) :
could not find function "rescale"
Calls: ideogram
Execution halted
I confirmed that the function called rescale is inside the scales package, and the above pacakage is installed in R in the server.
However, the above message was continuously output, and as a result of running it with R-studio, it worked normally as a result of taking it out to a window to see if it was a problem with the source itself.
It seems that ##' @importFrom scales rescale is not loaded properly, but I can't think of a solution, so I would like to ask for help.
My server environment is Ubuntu and R is version 3.6.0.
The R Studio that I took out to Windows and checked is version 4.2.0.
(window = version 10)
Could you please let me know what the problem is?
hello. TickingClock1992!
First of all, thank you for making good use of your package. As a personal problem, I had to use the source code as a copy paste instead of installing the RIdeogram package, but I was able to confirm the following error.
Error in rescale(mydata$Value, to = c(1, cnum)) : could not find function "rescale" Calls: ideogram Execution halted
I confirmed that the function called rescale is inside the scales package, and the above pacakage is installed in R in the server.
However, the above message was continuously output, and as a result of running it with R-studio, it worked normally as a result of taking it out to a window to see if it was a problem with the source itself.
It seems that ##' @importFrom scales rescale is not loaded properly, but I can't think of a solution, so I would like to ask for help.
My server environment is Ubuntu and R is version 3.6.0. The R Studio that I took out to Windows and checked is version 4.2.0. (window = version 10) Could you please let me know what the problem is?
Thank you in advance