TickyWill / BiblioMeter

Toolbox for bibliometric purpose
MIT License
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Issue when using the "Lancer l'analyse des IFs" feature #1

Closed BaptisteRefalo closed 1 month ago

BaptisteRefalo commented 1 month ago

Using this feature does not give any result and the app seems to continuously working without doing anything.

Issue origin in code: BM_PubAnalysis.py -> if_analysis() -> _plot_if_analysis() -> _create_save_barchart() -> _save_dept_barchart()

dept_png_file_path = Path(if_analysis_folder_path) / Path(file_name + ".png") barchart.write_image(dept_png_file_path) -> this issue seems to come from the line above: saving the barchart in a png file. The rest of the code is never executed -> commenting those 2 lines removes the issue

BaptisteRefalo commented 1 month ago

Solution to this issue found: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69016568/unable-to-export-plotly-images-to-png-with-kaleido

-> This is a "kaleido 0.2" problem

BaptisteRefalo commented 1 month ago

I tested using the kaleido v0.1.* and it worked

BaptisteRefalo commented 1 month ago


TickyWill commented 1 month ago

Requirements.txt updated by changing kaleido version from v0.2.# to v0.1.* Thanks for reporting the issue and its solution !