When I launch TiddlyDesktop with ./nw in its own directory (or from my desktop launcher) I get:
This site can’t be reached
The web page at file://./nw%20--mixed-context%20--enable-spell-checking%20--allow-file-acce ss-from-files%20--allow-file-access%20--allow-file-cookies%20--disable-features=SuppressDifferentOriginSubframeJSDialogs%20--user-data-dir=/home/jfcaron/.config/TiddlyDesktop%20--no-sandbox%20--no-zygote%20--flag-switches-begin%20--flag-switches-end%20--nwapp=/home/jfcaron/Software/TiddlyDesktop-linux64-v0.0.16 might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
This is on Linux Mint 21 LTS. It started happening after a reboot but without having applied any updates. It actually started on 0.0.15.prerelease.4 but I updated to 0.0.16 and it still occurs.
I tried running nw with an absolute path (/home/jfcaron/Software/TiddlyDesktop-linux64-v0.0.16/nw) and I get a different error:
Your file couldn’t be accessed
It may have been moved, edited or deleted.
Any help would be appreciated. I use TiddlyDesktop to organize my teaching notes and course management stuff.
When I launch TiddlyDesktop with ./nw in its own directory (or from my desktop launcher) I get:
This is on Linux Mint 21 LTS. It started happening after a reboot but without having applied any updates. It actually started on 0.0.15.prerelease.4 but I updated to 0.0.16 and it still occurs.
I tried running nw with an absolute path (/home/jfcaron/Software/TiddlyDesktop-linux64-v0.0.16/nw) and I get a different error:
Any help would be appreciated. I use TiddlyDesktop to organize my teaching notes and course management stuff.