TiddlyWiki / TiddlyDesktop

A custom desktop browser for TiddlyWiki 5 and TiddlyWiki Classic, based on nw.js
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opens .hta files incorrectly #274

Open welford opened 1 year ago

welford commented 1 year ago

Using the latest version of this on mac it loads a .hta file but shows the wiki as plain text (in a window that can not be closed)

renaming the file to be .html it opens with no problem. Would it be possible to change this behaviour so that .hta files can be opened - so that i can use the same wiki between windows and mac.

Jermolene commented 1 year ago

Thanks @welford – is this a regression? Did it used to work with a prior version of TiddlyDesktop?

welford commented 1 year ago

That I don't know (to be clear- this is the first time i have used this software), but I can try an older verison to confirm.

I see similar behaviour on windows. Though in this case it's just an empty window rather than plain text. The file with a renamed extension loads as expected.


welford commented 1 year ago

Oddly enough it has the same issue of not being able to close the .hta window on windows too.

welford commented 1 year ago

I tried 0.0.14 which has the same issue, so not a recent regression at least.