TiddlyWiki / TiddlyWiki5

A self-contained JavaScript wiki for the browser, Node.js, AWS Lambda etc.
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rendertiddlers command doesn't work correctly on wiki files ending in .htm #700

Closed dullroar closed 10 years ago

dullroar commented 10 years ago

The following is an issue even with an empty TiddlyWiki template file downloaded from tiddlywiki.com. I have been testing it on Windows 8.1 using TW 5.0.13beta and node v0.10.29.

If the TW file is saved with a suffix of .htm (such as mylife.htm) then running the following command (adapted from this post - https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/168) produces incorrect output:

tiddlywiki --load mylife.htm --verbose --rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain --rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain --rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html static text/plain

The output that is produced is this:

C:\Temp>dir /s output
 Volume in drive C is Windows8_OS
 Volume Serial Number is DCCD-A5B5

 Directory of C:\Temp\output

07/24/2014  08:45 AM    <DIR>          .
07/24/2014  08:45 AM    <DIR>          ..
07/24/2014  08:45 AM    <DIR>          static
07/24/2014  08:45 AM            14,021 static.html
               1 File(s)         14,021 bytes

 Directory of C:\Temp\output\static

07/24/2014  08:45 AM    <DIR>          .
07/24/2014  08:45 AM    <DIR>          ..
07/24/2014  08:45 AM         1,311,344 mylife.htm.html
               1 File(s)      1,311,344 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
               2 File(s)      1,325,365 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  53,141,127,168 bytes free

In other words, the entire TW is reproduced in a single mylife.htm.html file.

If I change the file name to mylife.html (simply adding an "l" to the file suffix), and change the --load command to read in mylife.html, then the output produced is structured as I would expect, like this:

C:\Temp>dir /s output
 Volume in drive C is Windows8_OS
 Volume Serial Number is DCCD-A5B5

 Directory of C:\Temp\output

07/24/2014  08:35 AM    <DIR>          .
07/24/2014  08:35 AM    <DIR>          ..
07/24/2014  08:36 AM    <DIR>          static
07/24/2014  08:35 AM            28,885 static.html
               1 File(s)         28,885 bytes

 Directory of C:\Temp\output\static

07/24/2014  08:36 AM    <DIR>          .
07/24/2014  08:36 AM    <DIR>          ..
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             4,797 %40done.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             4,797 %40todo.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,146 .NET%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,474 A%20few%20thoughts.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,536 ARM%20Architecture%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             6,176 Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,766 Buena%20Vista%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             6,684 Computers%20and%20Programming%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             6,070 Cooking%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,257 Deep%20Learning%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,109 Diet%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,346 Education%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,436 Entertainment%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,352 Exercise%202014-07-16.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,105 Exercise%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             9,129 favicon.ico.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,240 Gardening%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,390 Government%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,211 Health%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,575 Hobbies%20and%20Home%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             4,820 Home.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             4,985 House%20Maintenance.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             6,207 Humor%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             4,844 Jim.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,268 Linux%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,141 Maps%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,122 Math%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,123 Meditation%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,283 Mobile%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,526 MOOCs%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,103 Movies%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,821 Music%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,120 News%20and%20Politics%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,216 Node.js%20Install%20Notes%20on%20Windows.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,289 OCaml%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,147 Operating%20Systems%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,130 Photography%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,146 Physics%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,160 Programming%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,169 Projects%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             6,050 Python%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,863 Raspberry%20Pi%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             6,270 Reading%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,266 Religion%20and%20Philosophy%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:35 AM             5,802 Religious%20Teachings%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             5,094 School%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             5,547 Science%20and%20Nature%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             7,377 Security%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             5,412 Self%20Improvement%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             5,371 Source%20Control%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             5,134 Space%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             4,803 Stuff%20To%20Do.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             5,219 TiddlyWiki%20Install%20Notes.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             5,117 Vacation%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             6,736 Weather%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             7,817 Web%20Programming%20Bookmarks.html
07/24/2014  08:36 AM             5,336 Windows%20Bookmarks.html
              57 File(s)        315,430 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
              58 File(s)        344,315 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  53,139,976,192 bytes free

Each non-system tiddler is now broken out as its own HTML file under the static directory as I would expect.

I have looked in the rendertiddlers source but not too deeply yet, so at this point I am filing the bug (at least _I_ think it is a bug) to get it documented before delving into determining the cause.

Jermolene commented 10 years ago

Hi @dullroar thanks for the report.

I'm afraid it is as simple as the file extension mechanism currently only recognising a full .html extension. It's not a one-line fix because the current code incorporates the assumption that there will be a one-to-one mapping between file extensions and content types. Fixing this ticket requires us to support content types that have more than one associated file extension.

dullroar commented 10 years ago

That's a bummer. Just spent some time hacking around in the boot tasks and couldn't get these hacks to work:

  1. During the registration of file types adding the following right after registering .html, using the optional charset parameter on the MIME type to disambiguate from the default text/html:
  1. Right after all the registerFileType calls trying to just hack the fileExtensionInfo list directly:
$tw.config.fileExtensionInfo[".htm"] = {type: "text/html"};
  1. 1 and #2 combined.

Ah, well, looks like I will have to study the code harder, when I am not at work. :)

Jermolene commented 10 years ago

Ha! It turns out that there is a quick workaround, see c73853288c5b4b0716da94fea2f2edec09345643

Jermolene commented 10 years ago

Oops sorry @dullroar I just noticed that your second suggestion is the same as what I'd done - it works for me, does it not work for you?

dullroar commented 10 years ago

It is not, @Jermolene (and I just compared your code and mine side-by-side, which was identical, and then even copied and pasted your code in to make sure - same results). Would it be because I am hacking a downloaded 5.0.13beta .htm file directly and not doing some sort of build process and hence perhaps missing some other changes that is allowing it to work for you?

Either way, I feel happy that I was on the right track!

Jermolene commented 10 years ago

Hi @dullroar yes I'd recommend building the source as described in http://tiddlywiki.com/#Working%20with%20the%20TiddlyWiki5%20repository

Anyhow, I've posted a prerelease to http://tw5test.tiddlyspot.com/ for you to check.

dullroar commented 10 years ago

I was able to build the source and confirm it now works. Thanks. I am closing this issue.