TiddlyWiki / TiddlyWikiClassic

TiddlyWiki Classic (not to be confused with TiddlyWiki5: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5)
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TiddlyWiki on SharePoint: “Sorry, something went wrong” after edits by co-worker #282

Closed otherjoel closed 1 year ago

otherjoel commented 1 year ago

I have a TiddlyWiki saved on a Teams/Sharepoint document store as a .aspx file. Normally this has worked great: I’m able to open, edit and save the TW seamlessly (since SharePoint supports WebDAV) and access is controlled by group membership for the team. But: until recently I was the only one actually editing the file.

Recently a new co-worker started and is also an avid editor of the TW. Since he started, though, any time he makes and saves an edit, we start getting an error when accessing the TW: “Sorry, something went wrong / File not found.”

Screenshot of Sharepoint error: “Sorry, something went wrong / File not found.”

The file is of course there. If I browse to the containing folder in the sharepoint document library, I can see it; if I then click to open the file, it simply gets downloaded rather than opening in the browser.

Initial Workaround: When this happens, I found that I could fix it by by open the file in a text editor, deleting the blank first line at the beginning of the file and saving it again. The first line is always blank.

I don’t know why this works, but I suspect it has nothing to do with the specific edit I’m making and more to do with the file ownership or permissions. After fixing the problem, if I make any edits to the TW (the “normal” way) and save them, the blank line at the beginning of the file reappears, but the access error above does not reappear. The access error only returns when my co-worker edits and saves the TW.

Possible actual fix: In Sharepoint, I went to the file’s access controls and gave my co-worker "Full Control" over the TW file. After this, it appears he’s able to edit the file without causing the “File not found” error to reappear. (He already had “Edit” access before, but apparently this isn’t enough.)

Of course this may very well be more Sharepoint’s problem than TiddlyWiki’s, but this seems like the best place to report and hopefully attract responses from other TW users who have experienced this problem.

pmario commented 1 year ago

Do you use TiddlyWikiCalssic or TiddlyWiki 5? .. This is the TWclassic repository.

YakovL commented 1 year ago

Also, please specify TW version and what saver do you use

otherjoel commented 1 year ago

Ah, it is TW5. Moved to their discussions. Sorry for the noise!