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Ghost image on minimized Tk window resizing #1740

Open MichaelDonahue opened 3 months ago

MichaelDonahue commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug A minimized Tcl/Tk application that resizes its toplevel (main application) window corrupts the portion of the display where it was before it was minimized.

To Reproduce romeo.txt

  1. Run the attached Tcl/Tk script (I changed the usual .tcl extension to .txt so I could upload it): tclsh romeo.txt
  2. When the "romeo" application window comes up re-position it so that it overlaps another application window, such as a terminal or text editor.
  3. After a brief pause the romeo window will at 1 second intervals create and destroy a subframe, which causes the main romeo window to resize.
  4. Minimize romeo
  5. Observe the location where the romeo window had been. I see corruption in the screen display as illustrated in the screenshots below.

Expected behavior The minimized window should not modify the screen display.

Screenshots romeo-ss0a romeo-ss1a romeo-ss2a Screenshots of "Reproduce" steps 1, 3, and 5.

Client (please complete the following information):

Server (please complete the following information):

Additional context I do not see this bug when running TigerVNC vncserver 1.8.0 on an older CentOS Linux 7 machine, so it looks like the bug was introduced after 1.8.0 and on or before 1.12.0.

CendioOssman commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your bug report and test case. I can reproduce the issue here on RHEL 8.