TigerofSiam / human-opinion-adding-up-for-AI-answer

at https://machinereading.azurewebsites.net/, human opinion adding up for AI answer is one another way for teaching AI for finding the right solution. Support on giving AI on the althernative answer beside picking just only the context in the reading article which sometime is only the general information. The right answer or the best answer, mostly came from analytical data from various source of reliable information as crystallization of the data
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The necessary function in the Siam Unicorn platform #1

Open TigerofSiam opened 1 year ago

TigerofSiam commented 1 year ago

To the developers

Features those might be necessary for further app update.

■ Suggestion - chatbot could be considered for gather info and would be easy for analyzing 

■ Need well plan for the bid center for public projects - need to set threshold for identify criteria on specific project such as ones which impact to the public, envir, nation, economic, international relation >> the comprehensive proposal with additional supported info (EIA, ethic approval, cert., etc.) might be required

■ public hearing - online with Live function for the provided topic + feedback, suggestion, voting, agenda and reminding to join. >> onsite public hearing is supported only topic that needs the experts for making decisions and online voting. Confidentiality on the right persons/expert/national consultants needs appropriate platform and some privileges to avoiding any lobbying and safety concern.

■ Election platform - the push ads and public communication arrange and support (equal budget) the relevant organization for each candidate/party. >> avoiding the illegal activity. Onsite election is only provided to senior people who hardly ever use technology. >> online training might consider for system and platform learning of the population.

■ Supportive from gov. and state enterprises consider launching campaigns on helping SME and smallholders such as tax support (for green business), special rate for logistic of agri products, etc.)

■ link to any other apps available in play store/apps store either gov. Apps alliances or private sector unicorn as much as possible 

■ Syncing data among apps/organization is necessary to save manpower and budget such as lab examinations of the patient from dif place >> some cases, re-lab exam is not needed (not all need to conduct but only ones medical doctor suggests more only).

■ Policy updates on data privacy of users  

■ National goals relate to UN goals (may adapt as appropriate to Thai culture; merrit, charity, traditional events support) could be one of the key function for ads shown (ICT Needs to engage with Samsung Global Goal App if any license share is needed otherwise, new concept of ads shown needed to be brainstorm among developers and communication experts) for TH or international partners. The results from ads shown will be source of budget for Gov. To support any CSR activities to support both human, animal and nature well being.

■ About court and cases menu, adding up the list of volunteered athrony and contact list for people who unable to access the regular service - support in general cases and the specific cases for disability and senior people who have difficulty on reading and writing / who lost their own land due to accidentally signing of the official docs (reversible case is possible if there is any evidence/witness >> chance to promote the qualified volunteered Anthony in all suitable communication platform of gov.

■ Communication plan on using and learning the key functions of the app is necessary for the public in general/ launching the program to match the dedicated volunteer and disability and senior people of facilitating on using the app

Best Regards,

The Siamist

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Note: open license for all public benefit. Only, source code use by private sector for commercial propose, permission from license owner is strictly required.

TigerofSiam commented 1 year ago

Policy, compliance and CoC needs legal expertise and compliance team of each alliance to support on development and update

TigerofSiam commented 1 year ago

The test of AI feathers are on going. Thanks