TilCreator / Tapas-Comic-Downloader

This is a downloader to download whole comics from https://tapas.io/. (Not official!)
MIT License
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Doesn't work with 18+ comics #32

Open erens-basement opened 3 years ago

erens-basement commented 3 years ago

Tried using the example Erma and Ravenwolf and the script executed successfully. Then attempted with Tiresias and other mature comics and it breaks. Could be the issue that 18+ works are hidden unless you disable the filter in settings, hope this gets fixed.

On Windows 10, Python 3.9

Output: image

TilCreator commented 3 years ago

Afaik you would need to "log in" to see those comics and having that feature (to log in) would be really nice indeed. I will see what would have to be done and write it here. Currently I would like an option to use a cookie.txt file like youtube-dl is able to do.

TilCreator commented 3 years ago


TilCreator commented 3 years ago

Fixing age verification is easy, but that wouldn't actually allow you to see much of the comic because most of it is behind a paywall

TilCreator commented 3 years ago

9b3904135c47f70efc746cde198eaae01ec578bd should fix this

ONSKJ commented 3 years ago

I've gotten a cookies errors as well, but a different one from the previous user. I am using a Netscape format cookie file, but it looks like it's missing the "update" attribute.

Particularly, I am not trying to get a mature comic, but rather use my login cookies to access comics that have been deleted from the site (licensing ran out or other reasons), but I can still access them on my account since I had bought them when they were available. Do you think this would be possible?

In any case being able to download my mature comics would be nice as well, so if someone can help me figure out the error it would be greatly appreciated ^^ ex

TilCreator commented 3 years ago

@ONSKJ Can you plz provide a few (obviously censored) lines of your cookies file?

ONSKJ commented 3 years ago

Here is the data and then how it was put into the txt file that I called into the code. cookie cookies