TillF / wasa_tests

Test for WASA-SED
The Unlicense
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Folder path #7

Closed alicelg99 closed 3 years ago

alicelg99 commented 3 years ago

There is an issue regarding the new disposition of the folders. When I use the do.dat with lines 2 and 3 such as :


I get an error message telling me that the file routing.dat cannot be found even if the file exists. See below the message :

WASA model, rev_273-0-g3c865f2
 repository date 2021-07-02 13:58:22 +0200, built Fri 12:24
reading runtime parameters from ./do.dat                                                                                                                                                        
 ./../Inputs/Input_A/maxdim.dat could not be opened. Using default dimensions specified in the source code.
 ./../Inputs/Input_A/outfiles.dat could not be opened. Using default output files.
Error: Input file ./../Inputs/Input_A/River/routing.dat not found, aborting.

When I simply change the path as in the previous cases (Input and Output folders in the same folder), I don't get this error message. This is maybe due to the path definition or because the input and output folders are not at the same place.

TillF commented 3 years ago

Strange, I cannot reproduce this error. I tried cases 1,2,11 and 12. Which case are you using? How do you start the executable, with the runme.bat, I assume? Can you provide the exact command that is inside the bat-file? Does the same happen when you run the command directly from the command line or call it from Python?

alicelg99 commented 3 years ago

This is what I get for case 1. Ans the same thing happen if I run it from the .bat file.

G:\Documents\TestInput1>.\wasa.exe .\do.dat
WASA model, rev_273-0-g3c865f2
 repository date 2021-07-02 13:58:22 +0200, built Fri 12:24
reading runtime parameters from ./do.dat
 ./../Inputs/Input_A/maxdim.dat could not be opened. Using default dimensions specified in the source code.
 ./../Inputs/Input_A/outfiles.dat could not be opened. Using default output files.
Error: Input file ./../Inputs/Input_A/River/routing.dat not found, aborting.
TillF commented 3 years ago

Hm, here it runs smoothly. Are you sure you are running this in the complete folder structure? Judging from your call "G:\Documents\TestInput1>.\wasa.exe .\do.dat" The should be "G:\Documents\Inputs\Input_A" Does this folder exist? That means, is G:\Documents\ really the base directory for your commits to "wasa_tests" with the complete folder structure? It doesn't seem so, as in the repo the test drectory is names "1", not "TestInput1".

alicelg99 commented 3 years ago

This is because I am still using the old configuration. How do you run the executable with this disposition?

TillF commented 3 years ago

I suggest you copy the executable to [your path to wasas_tests] and change to this directory. From the console, you should then be able to run e.g. wasa.exe 1\do.dat

alicelg99 commented 3 years ago

Ok it works thank you.