Tim55667757 / TKSBrokerAPI

TKSBrokerAPI is the trading platform for automation and simplifying the implementation of trading scenarios, as well as working with Tinkoff Invest API server via the REST protocol. The TKSBrokerAPI platform may be used in two ways: from the console, it has a rich keys and commands, or you can use it as Python module.
Apache License 2.0
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Implement `--deals-chart-for ticker_or_FIGI` key with `PriceGenerator` library #115

Open Tim55667757 opened 1 year ago

Tim55667757 commented 1 year ago

--deals-chart-for ticker_or_FIGI key must show chart for instrument for given period and marks candles if some operation occured on it.

Markers can be B (Buy) and S (Sell) in circle: https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+24C8 https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+24B7

Tim55667757 commented 1 year ago

In this feature we need to mark some of candles. So, this feature depends on https://github.com/Tim55667757/PriceGenerator/issues/17