Implement public-domain algorithms for procedural generation of classic tiled wallpapers. Classic tiled wallpapers were popular choices for operating systems of the 1990s and early 2000s, but they have become hard to find nowadays, given that desktop backgrounds today tend to cover the full computer screen, to employ thousands of colors, and to have a high-definition resolution (1920×1080 or larger). Essentially, classic tiled wallpapers:
Are tileable.
Employ a limited color palette and a limited pixel size.
Are abstract and do not contain text.
Are not produced by artificial intelligence tools or with their help.
For details and other guidelines, as well as code I wrote that implements some of these algorithms, see my repository on classic wallpapers.
Implement public-domain algorithms for procedural generation of classic tiled wallpapers. Classic tiled wallpapers were popular choices for operating systems of the 1990s and early 2000s, but they have become hard to find nowadays, given that desktop backgrounds today tend to cover the full computer screen, to employ thousands of colors, and to have a high-definition resolution (1920×1080 or larger). Essentially, classic tiled wallpapers:
For details and other guidelines, as well as code I wrote that implements some of these algorithms, see my repository on classic wallpapers.