TimJuni / raspistillWeb

Little python web interface for raspistill to take photos with the RaspberryPi
GNU General Public License v3.0
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file location error #14

Open balodhi opened 7 years ago

balodhi commented 7 years ago

hello i have configured and installed raspistillWeb. but i am facing a strange problem. When i capture the image then it saves it to /home/pheno/env/rasptillWeb/pictures/ but the website localhost:6345 doesnt shoe that image. it read all images from the location /home/pheno/env/lib/python2.7/sitepackages/raspstillWeb/pictures it is very strange that writing and reading locations are different.


TimJuni commented 7 years ago

hey balodhi, i will look into this later this week. Thank you very much :) Cheers, Tim