TimOliver / TOPasscodeViewController

A modal passcode input and validation view controller for iOS
MIT License
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TOPasscodeKeypadView is inaccessible #41

Closed ARGAMX closed 4 years ago

ARGAMX commented 4 years ago


I have made TOPasscodeViewController.framework file from this project manually downloaded it. After I have Included this framework in Swift project. Made import TOPasscodeViewController. All was perfect, even can chow TOPasscodeViewController on screen. Seems all OK.


When I started customization I found some limitations. TOPasscodeKeypadView under TOPasscodeView is inaccessible. Other simple props, like titleLabel is accecable. But keypadView and inputField is not.



Looks like not expected behavior, because it prevents from customization KeypadView. Now I am try to make it public and accessible. (move it from Private Headers to Headers)

How I can access keypadView?


ARGAMX commented 4 years ago

I have resolved that problem and made PR:


ARGAMX commented 4 years ago

Also I am thinking about to make other private props available too. Because that nice framework suffering from Apple Review I think it should provide more customizations properties.

TimOliver commented 4 years ago

Aha. Nice catch! Thanks for the PR!

Yes, it's a bit inconvenient that it has to be redesigned for that reason. Other users have reported that changing the circles to squares has worked in the past.

I plan to do a proper redesign soon. :)

TimOliver commented 4 years ago

Closed due to PR #43