TimPietrusky / weloveiconfonts

This is like Google Web Fonts, but for Open Source Icon Fonts. Hurray!
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https support #42

Closed hndcrftd closed 5 years ago

hndcrftd commented 11 years ago

Love your tool, thank you very much for creating this.

Do you plan to implement requests over https protocol at some point in the future? Currently, when our users access our website through https and it starts downloading resources over http, the browser throws a warning, indicating that some items are downloaded over an unsecured connection. I know it's a matter of perception but it can be a bit confusing to the user and lowers their trust level in using the web page they are on. The workaround is currently to download the css and the font files to the local server to access them through a secure connection.

I understand that this might be very low on the priority list, as it requires monetary expenses in addition to time. Have you thought about setting up a 'Donate' link? It could help cover the cost of security certificates. People who value your work and want to support your project will help out. I know I would.

TimPietrusky commented 11 years ago


lindskogen commented 11 years ago

We are currently developing a website and would really appreciate if you would take some time to solve this issue!

jeremyFreeAgent commented 11 years ago


apavillet commented 10 years ago

Any update on this one ?

TimPietrusky commented 10 years ago

@apavillet I'm looking into this week too because I want to fix most of the issues this week.

jeremyFreeAgent commented 10 years ago

We chose to host our https version...

TimPietrusky commented 10 years ago

@jeremyFreeAgent if you use it on a productive page its better to host the icons yourself. And sorry for being so late, but I'm the only one working on this project!

apavillet commented 10 years ago

@TimPietrusky Thanks, I also tried to host it myself but for some reason it does not work on FF ..

TimPietrusky commented 10 years ago

@apavillet do you have a public link where I can test it?

apavillet commented 10 years ago

@TimPietrusky I tried it again and it seems to work now, odd but i won"t complain :)

watermelonjuice commented 10 years ago

Can this be moved to cdnjs?

haukebruno commented 10 years ago

https would decrease the overall performance of WLIF. in general I do not see a use case for encrypted icon fonts. as @TimPietrusky pointed out: you should host the fonts by yourself to improve security (but imho it's just snakeoil)

vlasov01 commented 10 years ago

@haukebruno The performance concern related to SSL is not as big as it was 15 years ago. Its impact on modern CPUs is ~1% and on network ~2%. Please read for more details https://istlsfastyet.com/ .

If you are really care about web performance look at enabling SPDY on your server. And read a book "High Performance Browser Networking" by @igrigorik . Its is available online (free) http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1230000000545 .

haukebruno commented 10 years ago

@vlasov01 fullack in general. but keep in mind that WLIF is a free service and because of that it doesn't run on dedicated hardware yet. for the amount of requests + the current ressources for WLIF I'm pretty sure implementing https will have an impact on the service.

vlasov01 commented 10 years ago

@haukebruno I'm hosting now this fonts on my host (with HTTPS support). So it is not an issue for me. I just wanted clarify performance impact statement. On other side you can consider HTTPS as a premium feature, so it may be a source of a revenue to support your hosting.

luisrudge commented 9 years ago

:+1: for ssl

luisrudge commented 9 years ago

in the mean time, I'm using this: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/zocial

dervondenbergen commented 9 years ago

Wouldn't it be easy, by simply using the free cloudflare plan in this case? Setting it up takes like 10 minutes max and doesn't require changes on the server.

designrDevelopr commented 9 years ago

+1 for SSL. Maybe try letsencrypt.org?

markhillard commented 8 years ago

+1 for SSL. Icons don't display on CodePen pens if you're on their site via https.

applecrusher commented 8 years ago

+1 for SSL

heyallan commented 8 years ago

The whole WLIF website can be hosted on github pages, and use any static generator instead of PHP, then connect files to any free CDN like: https://cdnjs.com, or https://rawgit.com.

All for free.

Unless you really need PHP.

harishankards commented 6 years ago

Hey guys, did you all find any way to use the icon fonts in https way? I'm struggling with http as my app throws an error.

haukebruno commented 6 years ago

+1, we are on it, so stay tuned please :)

alloyking commented 5 years ago

Still no https guys? Can I help?

mkows commented 5 years ago

Same here +1. @haukebruno, is there any update on SSL support?

TimPietrusky commented 5 years ago

Together with @haukebruno WLIF is now migrated to https!