TimUntersberger / nog

A tiling window manager for Windows
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Modular Appbar #105

Closed TimUntersberger closed 4 years ago

TimUntersberger commented 4 years ago

The appbar is currently hardcoded and this makes it now very difficult to add features.

Somehow find a way to make the appbar as modular as reasonably possible.

It should be possible to toggle every item and reposition them.

Adding a new feature also shouldn't be so annoying.

TimUntersberger commented 4 years ago


trait BarComponent {
  fn get_width() -> i32;
  fn render() -> String;
  fn should_render(reason: RedrawAppBarReason) -> Bool;

The bar would then have a list of (Alignment, BarComponent) where Alignment is the following enum.

enum Alignment {

Example: Date Component

define component

struct DateComponent;

impl BarComponent for DateComponent {
    pub const fn get_width() -> i32 { 10 }
    pub fn should_render(reason: RedrawReason) -> bool { reason == RedrawReason::Date }
    pub fn render() -> String {
        let config = &CONFIG.lock().unwrap();

register component

let bar = Bar::default();
bar.add_component((Alignment::Right, DateComponent::default));


bar #{
  components: [
    ["Right", DateComponent()],
    ["Left", DateComponent("%v")]

I am not sure about the syntax for defining the components in the config. The current solution looks kind of ugly and is annoying to write. Any suggestions are welcomed (You can even define your own syntax :) )!

TimUntersberger commented 4 years ago

The appbar is now completely modular.

This is how it looks in the code

items.push(Item::new(Alignment::Left, workspaces::create()));
items.push(Item::new(Alignment::Center, time::create()));
items.push(Item::new(Alignment::Right, date::create()));
items.push(Item::new(Alignment::Right, padding::create(5)));
items.push(Item::new(Alignment::Right, mode::create()));

The problem now is: How can the user define this in the config?

keepitsane commented 4 years ago

Here is a statusline plugin I use for vim: https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim

Here is a sample config for it.

let g:lightline = {
      \ 'colorscheme': 'wombat',
      \ 'active': {
      \   'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ],
      \             [ 'readonly', 'filename' ] ],
      \   'right': [ [ 'lineinfo' ],
      \              [ 'percent' ],
      \              [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype', 'charvaluehex' ] ]
      \ },
      \ 'component': {
      \   'charvaluehex': '0x%B'
      \ },
      \ }

Maybe something like this could work. Plus since rhai is a scripting language would it be possible for the user to create their own widgets and push it to the app bar?

TimUntersberger commented 4 years ago

Maybe something like this could work. Plus since rhai is a scripting language would it be possible for the user to create their own widgets and push it to the app bar

Holy shit. I think you are right. I will have to test this.