Timberjaw / Dungeonator

Dungeonator world generator for Bukkit
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Dynamic Height update has broken dungeon generation #23

Closed Timberjaw closed 12 years ago

Timberjaw commented 12 years ago

The switch to dynamic heights for chunks (and storage of sub-chunks) has broken the generation process. Need to fix before any other areas can progress.

Timberjaw commented 12 years ago

Generation seems to be fixed, but very slow. Lighting is iffy.

Timberjaw commented 12 years ago

Orientations for doors/torches is messed up. Console errors re: tile entities (furnaces) where no entity tile is present.

Timberjaw commented 12 years ago

Torch, furnace, and bed issues eliminated. Doors are still messed up (orientation isn't taking).

Timberjaw commented 12 years ago

Switched to simpler core generation method. Temporarily disabled decoration phase.

Timberjaw commented 12 years ago

Everything except doors (in some orientations) and beds seems to be working.

Some issues remain with the Editor, in particular the hackish quick-flatten method.

Timberjaw commented 12 years ago

Doors fixed, working on beds.

Timberjaw commented 12 years ago

Beds fixed!