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Crash on Windows when Open Dialog comes up #16

Closed j9ac9k closed 6 years ago

j9ac9k commented 6 years ago

We have had a report from a user that TimeView crashes when the open file dialog comes up.

This issue has not been duplicated by myself or @lxkain, however with searching for errors, we have seen a similar issue opened in the Spyder repository here: https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/issues/3903

Spyder has the same pyqt5 dependency that TimeView has, and this is likely the same issue. Unfortunately, this issue is still open on Spyder after almost a year, and it is unlikely that a workaround/fix can be implemented at our layer, but requires a fix at the Qt layer.

Opening this issue in an effort to try duplicating the fault and implementing some kind of work-around with newer version of PyQt and so forth.

j9ac9k commented 6 years ago

From referencing the Spyder thread; it appears some that some Dell Backup and Recovery utilities have caused problems with Qt5

https://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?topic=9190.0 https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-41416

Dell and Alienware backup software seems to be a frequent culprit.

Autodesk Maya has a bug detailing this issue and advises their users to update their version of Dell Backup and Recover to or later


j9ac9k commented 6 years ago

Issue was resolved once Dell Backup and Recovery was removed from the system (it was unused in this case).

lxkain commented 6 years ago

Whoa, excellent detective work!

j9ac9k commented 6 years ago

yeah i got lucky w/ a search term in google, that led to the Spyder issue.