TimeWalkOrg / Manhattan

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Level Interpolation #115

Open tedbarnett opened 3 weeks ago

tedbarnett commented 3 weeks ago

Longer-term thinking that relates to the building Metadata issue:

The TimeWalk system will eventually allow for "time travel" to any point in time.

Since it is simpler to build levels for specific well-documented years (eg 1660, 1776), we might have to "interpolate" to construct others years. If I want to visit 1640 New Amsterdam, we should be able to hide buildings that were not constructed back then.

Similarly, if I want to visit 1967 New York, we'd need to start with the 2023 model and subtract out buildings that did not exist then... and add in buildings that were later torn down. Complicated -- but works if each building has its own metadata (date built, date replaced, etc.)