Please provide this extra information so we can better support your calculator:
Calculator name as written on the device: ti nspire cx ii
This calculator can also receive files made for these other types of calculators: probably not...?
Any other technical information that might help: this is probably the millionth request for nspire, sorry (also i remember TI has something where you can file transfer on Nspires online, but i can't remember how to find it D: )
Device information
{ "deviceClass": 0, "deviceProtocol": 0, "deviceSubclass": 0, "deviceVersionMajor": 2, "deviceVersionMinor": 0, "deviceVersionSubminor": 1, "manufacturerName": "Texas Instruments Incorporated", "productId": 57378, "productName": "TI-Nspire(tm) CX II Handheld", "serialNumber": null, "usbVersionMajor": 2, "usbVersionMinor": 0, "usbVersionSubminor": 0, "vendorId": 1105 }
Additional information
Please provide this extra information so we can better support your calculator:
Calculator name as written on the device: ti nspire cx ii This calculator can also receive files made for these other types of calculators: probably not...? Any other technical information that might help: this is probably the millionth request for nspire, sorry (also i remember TI has something where you can file transfer on Nspires online, but i can't remember how to find it D: )
Please note