When configuring Sapling v1.0.2 into SCID i get this error message :
expected floating-point number but got ""
expected floating-point number but got ""
(processing "-from" option)
invoked from within
"ttk::spinbox $w.fopt.opt$optnbr -from $elt(min) -to $elt(max) -width 5 -validate all -validatecommand { regexp {^[0-9]+$} %P }"
(procedure "uciConfigWin" line 154)
invoked from within
(procedure "::uci::readUCI" line 9)
invoked from within
"::uci::readUCI 2"
So, the engine can not be added to SCID, the UCI options pane can't be loaded due to this error. Probably it's the same issue as #4 .
When configuring Sapling v1.0.2 into SCID i get this error message :
So, the engine can not be added to SCID, the UCI options pane can't be loaded due to this error. Probably it's the same issue as #4 .
[ i'm on Xubuntu 22.04 ]