TimoBolkart / FLAME-Blender-Add-on

Blender Add-on for the FLAME face model
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Update to FLAME2023? #8

Open sinbadthepoet opened 3 weeks ago

sinbadthepoet commented 3 weeks ago

Working on a project that is using the new FLAME2023 Model, and would love to just grab the new version as an FBX as I want able to quickly and easily do here. How easy would it be to update this plugin to load the new model in?

TimoBolkart commented 3 weeks ago

I can forward your request to our technical artist who also created this plugin. If you send your request to timo.bolkart@tuebingen.mgp.de, I can directly put you in cc.

sinbadthepoet commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you, email sent. Putting this here in case anyone else stumbles onto it, will close the ticket once it's resolved!

Edit: Seems Gmail couldn't connect to your email server, going to send it out through my academic email.

TimoBolkart commented 3 weeks ago

Apologies, can you please re-send it to the other email? It seems the tbolkart one is no longer forwarded after I left MPI.

sinbadthepoet commented 3 weeks ago

Sent, thanks again!

sinbadthepoet commented 2 weeks ago

Just checked and it seems I couldn't deliver to that email either. If you're fine with it, my email is Haiderali360@gmail.com or haider.ali1@ontariotechu.net

TimoBolkart commented 6 days ago

That is weird, as I still got several emails delivered to the other address. I have meanwhile talked to the technical artist who created the current plugin. It seems that the framework to build this is not operational anymore, so it would take him several days to update it to a different FLAME version. Unfortunately, he is currently fully occupied with other tasks. So I am afraid that we are unable to provide any update to FLAME 2023 in the near future.