TimoBolkart / TEMPEH

TEMPEH reconstructs 3D heads in dense semantic correspondence from calibrated multi-view images in about 0.3 seconds.
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FLAME parameters for the registered dataset. #9

Open yorard123 opened 5 months ago

yorard123 commented 5 months ago


I would be interested on having the FLAME parameters for our dataset, however, when I downloaded the "FLAME Registrations" I can only find the final reconstructions. Would it be possible to get those parameters? I am trying to repose the sequences of the registered meshes onto FLAME models with different shapes.


TimoBolkart commented 5 months ago

Hi, as all meshes are in dense topological correspondence to FLAME, computing the parameters can directly be computed by minimizing some vertex-to-vertex loss between FLAME and each registered mesh.

yorard123 commented 5 months ago

Would it not be possible to include the parameters on the released dataset? I assume that those parameters had been computed before, to do the registration. If that is not possible, I'll do what you proposed. Thanks!