TimoBolkart / TemplateFitting

Template fitting for non-rigid mesh registration of a 3D face scan
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ConfigureCLAPACK.cmake missing! #1

Open YIWANFENG opened 3 years ago

YIWANFENG commented 3 years ago

when I try to "cmake .." in bulid dir, I got the err: INCLUDE could not find load file: ConfigureCLAPACK.cmake I thought the project is missing the file.

TimoBolkart commented 3 years ago

You are right, I forgot to commit the file.

liaoksn commented 2 years ago


It seems that Approximate Nearest Neighbor Library only generating dynamic lib file, while others generating stastic lib file by default. Can this be mixed, or i need to adjust them manually ?Besides, Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit 4.5.0 can't be download now, can i use a higher version instead ?