Changed the general interface from BUS to CreateXXX (CreateServer / CreateClient for request/reply for example)
Adjusted the tests (some are not useable anymore)
in general refactored
fixed some issues with multiple subscribers (which were not possible til now)
Reasons for the reorganization:
Current design could not handle much change, lots of things were plain wrong (use of poller and background threads etc.)
PubSub Pattern was not working correctly
on the bright side:
From the already working things, I simply could move all the thoes into the new design
The created PatternsFactory / formerly known as Socket / does now also manage the amount and lifecycle of Clients and Servers (with an internal, applicationwide cache)
in that way, we cannot make the mistake in one application at least, to register twice with the same address.
Adjusted the tests (some are not useable anymore)
Reasons for the reorganization:
on the bright side: