TimvanScherpenzeel / gltf-to-usdz-research

Research and proof of concept of converting glTF to USDZ for AR Quick Look (iOS 12+).
MIT License
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Animation Support? #6

Closed TheSeanLavery closed 5 years ago

TheSeanLavery commented 5 years ago

Wondering if there has been any progress on supporting animation. I use blender. Would be nice to be able to create an animated usdz with free software.

wave-electron commented 5 years ago

@AttackingHobo gltf2usd has bone & transform animation support for glTF 2.0 -> usda (intermediary file type used for usdz conversion).

Currently, you just have to do the usda -> usdz conversion yourself at the moment until its implemented

xcrun usdz_converter myfile.usda myfile.usdz

wave-electron commented 5 years ago


Its worth mentioned, Apple has released a [standalone usd library version 18.09 called USDPython which has the necessary USD libraries for the gltf2usd command tool to do the conversions. The great thing is you don't have to build the USD Python yourself.

TimvanScherpenzeel commented 5 years ago

Hi @AttackingHobo,

I'm not planning to implement animation support to this project as it mostly exists as a proof of concept and a place to gather information on the format. As time moves on more tools like https://github.com/kcoley/gltf2usd will pop up that have a focus on actually providing a stable tool for everyday use. I consider this project mostly just to be a place for exploration and quick hacking, not a production ready tool.

I'm not saying I'll never attempt to implement animation support, my focus is just on other projects for the moment.

TheSeanLavery commented 5 years ago

@TimvanScherpenzeel No problem. I didn't know the extent of your plans. I'm glad there are other tools available.

@wave-electron Thanks for the links to the other tools!