TinCanTech / easy-tls

Manage and Inline OpenVPN TLS keys and Easy-RSA PKI credentials. Supports OpenVPN TLS-Crypt-V2 key system and OpenVPN Peer-Fingerprint mode.
GNU General Public License v2.0
87 stars 19 forks source link

TLS-Crypt-V2 on open vpn #286

Closed libea18 closed 2 years ago

libea18 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm an amateur and want to install TLS-Crypt-V2 on my config First I installed the script https://github.com/angristan/openvpn-install and found that the openvpn version is 2.4.4. Then download version 2.5 from https://github-wiki-see.page/m/SRingler98/how2guides/wiki/How-to-install-and-compile-openvpn-version-2.5.2-on-Ubuntu-20.04 . I installed 02 and then ran the angristan script and ran the configuration I wanted based on --tls-crypt. But I have no other idea to implement TLS-Crypt-V2 I am in Iran and there is severe filtering. I need this Information I have:

root @ ubuntu-8gb-fsn1-2: / etc / openvpn / easy-rsa # openvpn --version OpenVPN 2.5.2 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [EPOLL] [MH / PKTINFO] [AEAD] Built on 6 April 2022 Library Versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1 September 11, 2018, LZO 2.08 Originally developed by James Greece Copyright (C) 2002-2018 OpenVPN Inc sales@openvpn.net Compile definition of time: enable_async_push = no Enable_Comp_Stub = no Enable_Crypto_Ofb_Cfb = Yes Enable_Debug = Yes Enable_Def_Auth = Yes enable_dlopen = enable_dlopen_self unknown = Enable_Dlopen_Self_Static unknown = Unknown enable2 enable yes enable_ yes_2 = Yes Enable_Pam_Dlopen = no Enable_Pedantic = no Enable_Pf = Yes Enable_Pkcs11 = no Enable_Plugin_Auth_Pam = yes enable_plugin_down_root = yes enable_plugins = yes enable_port_share = yes enable_selinux = no enable_shared = no enable_shared = yes enable_shared_wm_st active yes good enable enable_s enable_werror = no enable_win32dll = no enable_x509_altIXname with_n

If you can tell me the right script so I can go step by step, thank you for helping me go step by step. If necessary, I will give you money to give me enough training to do the job. You can also send me an email if you want eroxs1818@gmail.com

TinCanTech commented 2 years ago

The script is written for amateurs .. have a go.

libea18 commented 2 years ago

well i have ubuntu 18.04 and use angristan script at first i should start which one ? https://github.com/TinCanTech/easy-tls/wiki#getting-started . Iran is severely censored and I want to make a config and send it to my family and friends.

TinCanTech commented 2 years ago


if you want me to beat the Iranian censorship then this is going to cost you more than you expect.

libea18 commented 2 years ago

I just want to be able to implement the TLS-Crypt-V2 configuration on my own open vpn config I do not want anything more

TinCanTech commented 2 years ago

Go ahead .. try easytls.

libea18 commented 2 years ago

results :

root@ubuntu-8gb-fsn1-2:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa# ./easytls

Easy-TLS usage and overview

USAGE: easytls [options] COMMAND [command-options]

A list of commands is shown below. To get detailed usage and help for a
command, use:
  ./easytls help COMMAND

For a listing of options that can be supplied before the command, use:
  ./easytls help options

For a list of abbreviated command names, use:
  ./easytls help abb

For a list of configurable options, use:
  ./easytls help config

Here is the list of commands available with a short syntax reminder.
Use the 'help' command above to get full usage details.

  build     :Inter-active menu to build TLS keys
  inline    :Inter-active menu to build Inline files
  remove    :Inter-active menu to remove TLS keys and Inline files
  script    :Inter-active menu to configure Server scripts
  selfsign  :Inter-active menu to build and inline self-signed certificates

  init   | init-tls <hash_algorithm> no-ca
  cf     | config
  sss    | self-sign-server <server_filename_base> (No-CA mode only)
  ssc    | self-sign-client <client_filename_base> (No-CA mode only)
  bta    | build-tls-auth
  btc    | build-tls-crypt
  bc2s   | build-tls-crypt-v2-server <server_common_name>
  bc2c   | build-tls-crypt-v2-client
         |     <server_common_name> <client_common_name> <HW-ADDR> <IP-ADDR>
  ita    | inline-tls-auth <filename_base> <key_direction> [ cmd-opts ]
  itc    | inline-tls-crypt <filename_base> [ cmd-opts ]
  ic2    | inline-tls-crypt-v2 <filename_base> [ cmd-opts ]
  bc2gc  | build-tls-crypt-v2-group-client
         |     <server_common_name> <client_group_name> <HW-ADDR> <IP-ADDR>
  ic2gc  | inline-tls-crypt-v2-group-client
         |     <client_common_name> <client_group_name> [ cmd-opts ]
  s      | status [ cmd-opts ]
  rk     | remove-tlskey <client_filename_base>
  rgk    | remove-group-tlskey <client_filename_base> <Group-Name>
  ri     | remove-inline <filename_base>
  rgi    | remove-group-inline <Client-Name> <Group-Name>
  is     | inline-show <filename_base>
         | inline-index-rebuild
  ix     | inline-expire <filename_base>
  cx     | cert-expire <filename_base> | <ca>
  d      | disable <filename_base> (Or display the current disabled list)
  e      | enable <filename_base> (Or display the current disabled list)
         | disabled-list-rehash
  sid    | save-id
  ver    | version
         | upgrade

Easy-TLS also has a useful Howto and wiki with expanded help and examples:
* https://github.com/TinCanTech/easy-tls/blob/master/easytls-howto-ii.md
* https://github.com/TinCanTech/easy-tls/wiki

DIRECTORY STATUS (commands would take effect on these locations)
  EASYTLS: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa
      PKI: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki
      TLS: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/easytls

TinCanTech commented 2 years ago


libea18 commented 2 years ago

next step is ?

libea18 commented 2 years ago

To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C

here must enter "server name".key "server name".cert that openvpn created in /etc/openvpn/ ?

To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C

and here must enter which name ? is "name.ovpn" name ?


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C



TLS crypt v2 client key created: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/easytls/1-tls-crypt-v2.key


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C



Inline TLS crypt v2 client file created: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/easytls/1.inline

missing error_log Error: Master save hash must only run once

Easy-TLS 2.8.0 (0) root@ubuntu-8gb-fsn1-2:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa#

and see Error in the end

TinCanTech commented 2 years ago

Nice error. I will have figure out what is going wrong.

libea18 commented 2 years ago

I have hetzner server I can give you access for test your project if you want🙏🏼

libea18 commented 2 years ago

also when i enter ./easytls-cryptv2-verify.sh :

Easy-TLS version: 2.8.0 ERROR: Path to CA directory is required, see help root@ubuntu-8gb-hel1-2:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa#

libea18 commented 2 years ago

./easytls build:

i start with * Available TLS-key types:

[1] TLS-Auth key - Legacy HMAC pre-shared key [2] TLS-Crypt-V1 key - Basic TLS-crypt-v1 pre-shared key [3] TLS-Crypt-V2 key for Server - Advanced TLS-Crypt-v2 Server key [4] TLS-Crypt-V2 key for Client - Advanced TLS-Crypt-v2 Client key [5] TLS-Crypt-V2 GROUP Client key - Advanced TLS-Crypt-v2 GROUP Client key

Select the type of TLS-key to build: 3


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C



TLS crypt v2 server key created: ./pki/easytls/server_NZBaXbaOaOFOyJNV-tls-crypt-v2.key


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C



Inline TLS crypt v2 server file created: ./pki/easytls/server_NZBaXbaOaOFOyJNV.inline

missing error_log Error: Master save hash must only run once

Easy-TLS 2.8.0 (0)

root@ubuntu-8gb-hel1-2:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa# ./easytls build EASYTLS_PKI: ./pki/easytls EASYTLS_FASTER_HASH: ./pki/easytls/data/easytls-faster.hash gen'd:c0b24040445d19c16becab643681833b37ba7f0d917bf56194691a7e7f6e8640 <==> saved:951f65ff7446a190f66f2b7 56c224ebed44879ce7c352385084677de5cec98a9 TIP: Use './easytls rehash' to correct this hash.

ERROR: verify_master_hash - match_two_hashes

Error: verify_master_hash

Easy-TLS 2.8.0 (0) root@ubuntu-8gb-hel1-2:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa# ./easytls rehash

Rehash completed successfully.

i leaved those field blank because i didnt had any idea about that . ( Enter the DH file name )

root@ubuntu-8gb-hel1-2:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa# ./easytls build

Easy-TLS Inter-active TLS-key builder Menu.


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C



TLS crypt v2 client key created: ./pki/easytls/1-tls-crypt-v2.key


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C


To cancel this inter-active menu at any time, press Control-C



Inline TLS crypt v2 client file created: ./pki/easytls/1.inline

missing error_log Error: Master save hash must only run once

Easy-TLS 2.8.0 (0)

root@ubuntu-8gb-hel1-2:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa# ./easytls rehash

Rehash completed successfully.

root@ubuntu-8gb-hel1-2:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa# ls ChangeLog dh.pem easytls easytls-conntrac.lib gpl-2.0.txt openssl-easyrsa.cnf README.quickstart.md vars COPYING.md doc easytls-client-connect.sh easytls-cryptv2-verify.sh LICENSE pki SERVER_CN_GENERATED vars.example dev easyrsa easytls-client-disconnect.sh examples mktemp.txt README.md SERVER_NAME_GENERATED x509-types

root@ubuntu-8gb-hel1-2:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa# ls /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/issued/ 1.crt server_NZBaXbaOaOFOyJNV.crt

i leaved those field blank because i didnt had any idea about that ( single filter-address , Custom-Group , Sub-key Name ) and about client name, i must enter that name i have client .ovpn next step ?

TinCanTech commented 2 years ago

@libea18 I have just patched easytls

This should get rid of some of the errors you are seeing. Please try again.

And thanks for your help testing :-)

libea18 commented 2 years ago

i will test but i have question i run https://github.com/angristan/openvpn-install script with tls-cryptv1 No problem implementing? ovpnvpn is enable with that script i paste all easy-tls-master files in /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/ . is right ?

TinCanTech commented 2 years ago

@libea18 spend some time reading the help, it is quite useful.

The very first line of README.md shows you exactly what you need.

libea18 commented 2 years ago

i see : Error log: ERROR: verify_tls_init fail Easy-TLS has not been initialised.

Error: main - verify_tls_init

Easy-TLS 2.8.0 (0)

tkmw1985 commented 2 years ago

i see : Error log: ERROR: verify_tls_init fail Easy-TLS has not been initialised.

Error: main - verify_tls_init

Easy-TLS 2.8.0 (0)

I can help you if u want

libea18 commented 2 years ago

i see : Error log: ERROR: verify_tls_init fail Easy-TLS has not been initialised. Error: main - verify_tls_init Easy-TLS 2.8.0 (0)

I can help you if u want

well ?

tkmw1985 commented 2 years ago

what exactly do you need ?

tkmw1985 commented 2 years ago

openvp +xor patch+obfsproxy+tls-crypt-v2 is it enough to beat iranian censor ?

libea18 commented 2 years ago

i need use tls-cryptv2 on my ovpn config

tkmw1985 commented 2 years ago

i can make it for if give me access to ur server

libea18 commented 2 years ago

please send me message: eroxs1818@gmail.com

tkmw1985 commented 2 years ago

ok a little bit later ! ok ?

libea18 commented 2 years ago


TinCanTech commented 2 years ago

Closed via https://github.com/TinCanTech/easy-tls/commit/705b5e57cf71cca129136e3949543d49d6c7f010